How to Take Care of Your Plants in a Freshwater Fish Aquarium?
Plants are an important part of your freshwater fish aquarium.
They provide a better habitat to the fish.
Live plants can surprise you with what they can do for your aquarium.
Plants in your aquarium provide oxygen and food for your fish.
They also help in maintaining equilibrium in your freshwater fish aquarium.
Now that you realize the importance of these plants, you should take good care of them.
You should maintain the right water chemistry for the plants to survive.
Most of the plants in the freshwater fish aquarium are not affected by any disease.
However, you cannot rule out the possibility of one.
Once you know how to take care of the plants in your aquarium you can spot any signs of a disease that may erupt in your aquarium.
Check the levels of carbon dioxide in the aquarium.
You should have an effective level of carbon dioxide in your freshwater fish aquarium.
This will keep the plants healthy.
See for the holes in plants.
Holes in plants are caused by the fish feeding on your plants.
This is not bad signal.
But, if your plants wilt after they develop holes; this means that the roots of your plants are not strong enough to support them.
Root rotting is a phenomenon that arises when the nitrate levels in the water are very high.
You should replace your water in case such a thing happens to your plants.
Changing the water in your aquarium will solve the problem.
Plant leaves turning yellow.
If the plant leaves in your freshwater fish aquarium turn yellow you should know that the plants are suffering from iron deficiency.
You should buy an iron rich plant fertilizer to revive your plants.
You should take care to introduce only the required amount of iron fertilizer in your aquarium.
In case the iron levels are more then required the plants will have brown or black leaves.
This also shows that the plants have started to rot.
You can solve the problem by replacing the water in your freshwater fish aquarium.
You can also avoid any such problems in freshwater plants by keeping plants that have shared light, temperature, and mineral requirements.
If you are placing a lot of plants with different requirements together then you are bound to get bad results.
They provide a better habitat to the fish.
Live plants can surprise you with what they can do for your aquarium.
Plants in your aquarium provide oxygen and food for your fish.
They also help in maintaining equilibrium in your freshwater fish aquarium.
Now that you realize the importance of these plants, you should take good care of them.
You should maintain the right water chemistry for the plants to survive.
Most of the plants in the freshwater fish aquarium are not affected by any disease.
However, you cannot rule out the possibility of one.
Once you know how to take care of the plants in your aquarium you can spot any signs of a disease that may erupt in your aquarium.
Check the levels of carbon dioxide in the aquarium.
You should have an effective level of carbon dioxide in your freshwater fish aquarium.
This will keep the plants healthy.
See for the holes in plants.
Holes in plants are caused by the fish feeding on your plants.
This is not bad signal.
But, if your plants wilt after they develop holes; this means that the roots of your plants are not strong enough to support them.
Root rotting is a phenomenon that arises when the nitrate levels in the water are very high.
You should replace your water in case such a thing happens to your plants.
Changing the water in your aquarium will solve the problem.
Plant leaves turning yellow.
If the plant leaves in your freshwater fish aquarium turn yellow you should know that the plants are suffering from iron deficiency.
You should buy an iron rich plant fertilizer to revive your plants.
You should take care to introduce only the required amount of iron fertilizer in your aquarium.
In case the iron levels are more then required the plants will have brown or black leaves.
This also shows that the plants have started to rot.
You can solve the problem by replacing the water in your freshwater fish aquarium.
You can also avoid any such problems in freshwater plants by keeping plants that have shared light, temperature, and mineral requirements.
If you are placing a lot of plants with different requirements together then you are bound to get bad results.