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Politics : Law & Legal & Attorney
United Nations Day For Women's Rights - Time For Change
In 1975 the United Nations decided that March 8th should in perpetuity be celebrated throughout the world as United Nations Day for Women's Rights and Peace. This is an event that shouldn't be ignored. The world today, under male dominion, is in an appalling state.
The First Ladies And Their Husbands
The wives of American presidents can often be influential American figures also. Although they have got no official duties, first ladies form an essential element of the United States government. The role of the president's wife has evolved over many hundreds of years, from being hostess in the
What Does the "National Anthem" Mean?
National anthems vary in importance, significance and general knowledge from nation to nation. Some national anthems have historical gravity while others come from chants used at sporting and athletic events and competitions.
Roman Emperor Constantine and the Roman Catholic Church
The criminal actions by members of the Roman Catholic Church do not stop with pedophilia and lies but include an enormous conspiracy to defraud. Its establishment as a weapon for power and control has led to its political involvement in governments and then into all aspects of human life.
What Factors Influence Political Debate?
Many organizations set their own standards for those engaging in political debate, but some rules are universal and include some degree of common sense. In addition, certain factors related to these rules -- like making statements that can be construed as personal attacks or misquoting particular fa
Good Things About the Civil Constitution
The American Constitution is a civil constitution that dictates the workings of federal government in the United States. The Constitution was ratified in 1787 after the post-revolution constitution, the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, proved a failure. The Constitution contains key pr
Affiliation Hypnosis
When do our affiliations (political, religious, lifestyle, etc) get in the way of our ability to see clearly? Our affiliation often causes us to stand for the group's beliefs and suppress or ignore our own, personal truths.There is a tendency to loose our clear vision in our desire to be includ
The Casualties of War
The U.S. Congress has just approved an emergency $82 billion war chest for Iraq and Afghanistan. The minimum wage remains at $5.15 an hour and the same U.S. Congress will not vote to raise it. Yet they just voted themselves a pay raise.
America Is Talking
The American Government seems to be debating about what Americans really want. We "The American People" need to stop the debates in Washington once and for all and speak loudly, making it clear what we Americans want.
China and the Global Recession - Part II - Relations With the United States
Part II of a two part analysis of how the current international financial crisis is effecting the People's Republic of China.Part II focuses on U.S. - Sino relations.
What Is Tarp Aid?
The Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) was enacted in October 2008 in response to the calamitous wave of bank failures at the time. It was originally conceived by Treasury Secretary John Paulson as a means to provide struggling banks with capital to remain solvent and continue lending to business
French Voters Illustrate the Desire for Change and the Failure of the EU
The EU plan is in trouble, and nothing illustrated this more clearly than the recent French election, when one person in five voted to leave the EU and restore the national currency and sovereignty. But what can replace it?
Obama on O'Reilly Signals the President's Fake to the Center
President Obama was interviewed live by Bill O'Reilly during the warm-up to the Super Bowl. Mr. O'Reilly heavily hyped the interview as a clash of titans, as Mr. O'Reilly still cites his sit-down with candidate Obama as one of the few times that the President faced vigorous challenge
How Can The Government Actually Stimulate The Economy?
People make the right decisions far more often than the government ever has, does, or will. I think that the best form of government is one that encourages, facilitate, and empower the individual citizen to make their own individual choices on how to live their lives. I think that maybe the governme
Reasons the Metric System Was Created
Most people measure in meters and kilograms rather than feet or ounces.meter image by cico from Fotolia.comThe metric system is the most popular measurement system in the world. It was created in 1790 in France by the French Academy of Sciences. Since then it has become the de facto...
How to Interpret Oracle Cards
Everyone wants a peek at the future. This is why you read your horoscope, or forward emails promising financial windfalls---as long as you forward the message to 10 people in 10 minutes. If you're more serious about the occult, you've probably delved into exotic divination methods like E-Ching, Tibe
Super Tuesday
One of the benefits of being online is it is a lot easier to research candidates while learning what fellow voters are doing and staying to stay up to date. Additionally, with the internet it is easier to explain while straightforwardly examples and links supporting topics on politics such as what i
Iraq: Where Do We Go From Here?
Now that the midterm elections are finally over, debate is really heating up in Congress over what steps should be taken next in Iraq. The debate is intense because of the incredible divisiveness over the issue among members of the House and Senate. You see, no one really knows what to do next.
Mayor Of Manila Lito Atienza Plans To Continue His Commitment To The City' s Poor
Atienza vows to continue his affordable housing and land acquisition programs for the poor.With the help of non-government organizations like Gawad Kalinga and Habitat for Humanity, Atienza plans to build affordable houses in the city's poorest sections including Isla Putting Bato, Parola 1 and
How to Calculate the U.S. Unemployment Rate
The unemployment rate of the United States is a figure that expresses the percentage of residents over the age of 16 who are out of a job at a given time. An important economic indicator, the unemployment rate provides insight into the current state of the economy at large or of a given business sec