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Politics : Law & Legal & Attorney

Ministerial Code of Ethics

Many people believe the only ministerial code of ethics pastors follow is the Bible. However, many denominations have a written code of ethics because a pastor's role is diverse. Pastors not only stand in front of a congregation on Sunday mornings but they serve as counselors, mentors, business admi

Body Armor VS Mobility and Weight

Many groups are calling for greater body armor for our troops, yet in doing so they are weighing down our troops to the point of ineffectuality. In other words the soldier loses his one of the human bodies greatest assets.

California's Train To Nowhere

California has many real problems. Rather than confront them, the state fixates on a fast train to nowhere.

Iraq, Death Row

Iraq has taken a superpower, with all its resources and drained it dry, likened to an empty soup bowl, and for what?We won a war, that should be good enough, but no one will win a peace over there.We are doing exactly what the enemy wants, draining, draining and draining, our nation's assets,

How Do I Run for Public Office in Pennsylvania's Local Government?

Pennsylvania’s local government offers many opportunities for citizens to hold elected office. The state has 67 counties, including the city-county entity of Philadelphia; 501 school districts; and hundreds of boroughs and townships. Each one has multiple elected officials with varying degrees

India -- Pakistan On A Path Breaking Mission Against Terror

In a major breakthrough India and Pakistan in a significant meeting at Havana, on the sidelines of the Non-Aligned Summit, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf decided to put in place an institutional mechanism to counter terrorism. It is a historic opportunity for

Debate on Torturing International Terrorists

For those who wish to debate the issue of torturing the International Terrorist murderers and say it is not humane? I wonder if they have thought this thru completely. If someone has a better way to deal with this issue, then I say to thee, well then; Why not go confront them, tell them you are an A

Washington DC is a Death Trap

The Layout of Washington DC and the number of people who work there each day make it a death trap in the event of a Natural Disaster or International Attack and any well-organized group with a map and some weapons could render that city completely helpless and panic stricken.

Yo Blair, George's Little Lap Dog, The Farce That is Our Leaders

I quote Mr Bush "the thing is what they need to do is to get Syria to get Hizbollah to stop doing this shit and it's over." This seriously worries me, how a world leader can possibly say that is quite disturbing, he shows the understanding of the average teenager to the situation, in

Ideas on Flag Display

Federal code must be followed when displaying a United States flag.US Flag image by dwight9592 from Fotolia.comThe United States government dictates the ways that a United States flag can be displayed. Variations of flag display for the United States flag exist for different situations...

Sarah Palin - Overture For Special Education

The current presidential election has created a novel situation for those of us who work with kids with special needs. Governor Palin has promised that if she is elected to work with John McCain in the White House, she will be an advocate for families who have children with special needs. As I thoug

Lessons from the Successful Egyptian-Israeli Peace Process

The Egyptian-Israeli peace process offers a model for a Middle East peace process that has a better chance at succeeding. Such a process requires motivated leaders, direct bilateral negotiations, and negotiators who possess sufficient authority to speak for their leaders. Unless all three elements a

A Weiner For America

New York's Representative Anthony Weiner suddenly perceives himself as a caped crusader responsible for protecting the citizenry from the evils of Glenn Beck and Goldline, a large precious metals dealer. His heated rhetoric implies that he has an extensive background in economics and finance. T

George Horton Bush Hears a Who

George Horton Bush was out in the rose garden one lovely fall day, he was picking flowers with his trunk and was admiring their beauty when he heard a strange cluck cluck. Hello? He asked, who was that? Then he heard the sound again, he focused his massive republican elephant ears at the bunch of fl

Malcolm X Oxford Union Debate Speech

It was November 30th, 1964 when Malcolm X flew to England where he was to participate in a debate at the Oxford Union several days later on December 3rd. The topic of the debate was to be "Extremism in the Defense of Liberty is No Vice; Moderation in the Pursuit of Justice is No Virtue". I

Growing Congressional Powers

Are you concerned about the growing powers of the United States Congress, or just not quite sure what actions the governing body is entitled to take? Article I of the United States Constitution spells out what powers and limitations the representatives possess.

How to Write Clever Political Satire

Political satire attracts a lot of readers, as you can see by the success of The Onion. It is also fun to write. It's a good way to purge feelings aroused by being an observer of the political scene--feelings of amazement, horror, and disgust that would otherwise float around your bloodstream and c

How Does Inflation Work?

What is Inflation?Inflation is on most people's minds because it has to do with your money, and it determines just how far your paycheck goes. If you are wondering how inflation works, you are probably are wondering what inflation is. Inflation is defined by the American Heritage...