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Pest Control : Home & Garden

Facts About Carpenter Ants

Carpenter Ants do not actually eat wood but, like termites, they can be very destructive if left untreated. Instead they survive as a species by feeding on various forms of proteins and sugars, and have a particular fondness of honeydew.

Tips in Eliminating Fleas

Fleas are considered as parasites that directly feed on human bodies as well as other animals that are warm blooded. The body or pet commonly gets the host for these parasitic pests.

Bed Bug Appearance - 3 Tips On Identifying Bed Bugs

This article gives us a basic idea as to how a bed bug looks like. The chances of seeing them straight are something that not everyone can witness. This is because they are very shy, and they do not come out during the day time.

Win the Battle and Get Rid of Bed Bugs Permanently

Learning you have bed bug bites can be quite traumatic, and you will immediately focus on eliminating them. You should learn about the spread of bed bugs even if you've never had them in your house.

Bed Bug Control - Health Risks Associated With Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small flat reddish brown insects that feed on the blood of people and animals. They feed on their hosts when the hosts are asleep, hence the name bed bugs. The sudden prevalence of these wingless creatures has brought up actions towards bed bug control.

Don't Get Stung This Summer

Summer is a wonderful time of the year when people look forward to getting outdoors after a long winter, and engaging in all of the great activities that everyone looks forward to. However, along with the warm summer months come the bees and wasps that are at the very least, irritating and at the wo

Rid Your Home Of Pests With These Tips

Ants, cockroaches, rats, raccoons and many other critters are known for invading homes. Most people don't want creatures from outdoors living with them due to the disease they spread. If you want to learn more about pest control, you should go over this article.

Termite Inspection, Removal And Prevention

Termites. The name conjures pictures of nasty wood-eating critters capable of bringing a house down. They probably could too, given enough time and zero removal.

Protection From Termites and Ways to Kill Them

Many homes have been destroyed by the infestation of termites which live in colonies and attack your house in colonies too. Termites are of different types such as the flying termite, dry-wood termite, subterranean termites and Formosan termites. All these can infest at places which is not easy for

Comparing the Riddex Plug in Pest Repeller Unit Against Other Methods

If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from a pest problem in your home, then it is important before you decide which pest control product to use or which service if you want someone else to deal with the problem, that you properly compare all the available choices. The Riddex plug in pest repeller

Not All Spiders Are Itsy Bitsy

Spiders are probably the one insect that is liked the least. The term arachnophobia refers to a condition that is so intense when seeing a spider; the individual can suffer a panic or anxiety attack. Fortunately that is the exception to rule, but few people have a liking of this insect.

Do You Need Help With Getting Rid of Wasps?

In Los Angeles, wasp removal can often be a tricky undertaking. After all, the process of getting rid of wasps normally involves a certain amount of risk, as the wasps can easily become angered and can attack the person who is trying to exterminate them.

How Fleas Can Be Effectively Controlled

There are many products available in the markets that provide excellent protection against fleas. First of all, there are two places where flea treatment should be applied in order to completely protect your pets. The First place is the pet itself and the second is the pet's environment.