Bed Bug Exterminator - 3 Questions You Should Ask a Professional
The sad part is that these days, having an infestation of these insects is becoming a growing problem for many homes.
These insects won't kill you, but you can develop an infection due to scratching a bite.
So while you're busy trying to figure out how you could even have such a problem in your home, don't hesitate to ask a bed bug exterminator additional questions about these insects.
What are these insects? These annoying little critters are insects that live off your blood.
Sounds disgusting, but that's what they are.
The funny thing is that it seems like everyone has heard of these insects, yet few people actually can say they've had the "pleasure" of experiencing them.
That's because for a long time, these insects were practically non-existent in the U.
Different chemicals such as DDT kept them at bay.
Now, they seem to have made a come back and as a result, it's imperative to hire a bed bug exterminator.
How do you know you have them? The crazy thing is that it can be a little difficult to figure out if you have these little monsters or not.
Fortunately, even though you may not see them in the actual act of biting you, these are messy creatures and they can leave a lot behind.
They shed skin, can lay eggs or simply die and if so, there will be proof of this on your mattress or even between your sheets.
Also, if you notice little bites on your skin that are red and itchy, this can be a sign of these insects.
The hard part is that you probably won't think it's bed bugs at first simply because it seems more logical to think you've been bitten by an ant or mosquito.
Yet, if you start seeing shells of dead insects or dark little spots on your mattress, you may need to call a bed bug exterminator for help.
How do you get them? There are various ways people get an infestation of these critters in their homes.
One common way is a result of staying in a hotel.
Hotels can have these insects and they can get in your luggage without you knowing.
It only takes a few to lay eggs and once you get home with your infected luggage, the critters can take up residence in your bedroom and boom - you have an infestation.
Also, people that buy used items, such as clothing, can also get these insects.
People think these insects only live in sleeping quarters.
However, it's very possible for them to hatch in a variety of places.
Furthermore, visiting people's homes that are infested with these creatures can leave you susceptible to getting them in your own home at some point or another.
For instance, if you have a job that requires you to go from house to house, it could be a matter of time before you get a little critter problem of your own.
The best thing to do is to call a bed bug exterminator at the first sign of trouble.