Not All Spiders Are Itsy Bitsy
The term arachnophobia refers to a condition that is so intense when seeing a spider; the individual can suffer a panic or anxiety attack.
Fortunately that is the exception to rule, but few people have a liking of this insect.
Varying in size from being barely noticeable to filling the palm of a normal sized hand, the spider has infiltrated every part of the world.
Although most are harmless; some can be poisonous and extract venom when they bite.
Cool fall weather will drive them indoors as they do like the cold, so that is when most of them will be spotted.
Maybe we have come up with the ideal solution to getting our teen to clean up their room.
Spiders love dirty, messy rooms.
They have all the hiding places a spider could ever ask for.
Let one run across the cheek of a teenager while in their room, and presto, the room will get cleaned out in a hurry in most cases.
Keep your doorsill and windowsill in good repair and seal area that allow for their entrance.
If you find some in your home, you can vacuum the area and make sure to get the little cocoons that are harboring future little spiders.
Food will attract these creepy little gems, so let's keep tings put properly away.
And that porch light we leave on for the sake of safety.
Like a moth to a flame, it will attract spiders.
Like most, I have no love for spiders.
I keep repellents on hand and use organic ones whenever I can.
Spiders have a penchant for other bugs, so the more we keep our homes pest free, the less a spider will find palatable in our home and hopefully he will go elsewhere.
Any suggestion is worth trying where these creepy things are concerned.