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Pest Control : Home & Garden

Ways to Prevent Bed Bugs

No one likes to have a bug problem, especially having encounters with bed bugs. These are creatures that you would never want to ever find in your home.

Bad Home Repairs Usually Provide New Food For Termites

I was installing any new window in my house, when I noticed that there was termite damage underneath the window sill. The termites had destroyed most of the window framing and it needed to be replaced. The window and the wood framing was almost 50 years old and it's time had ran out.

Rodents That Could Be Occupying Your Home

Many homeowners have questions when it comes to rodents, mice and rats. Rodents are a huge a nuisance and can damage your home with very little effort during a short amount of time.

Keeping Bugs Out of Your Back Yard - The Natural Way is Usually the Best

Summer is almost here, which means that your backyard is going to become a potential hang out for insects of various types. Here are some common sense tips you can use to keep some common insects away from your yard. Most of these tips do not require the purchase of chemicals of fancy equipment. The

Pest Profile: Rats

Rats have been living with people since humans started living in permanent settlements. Because of this close relationship to us, rats have been able to thrive, but it also makes them pests! Learn more about rats and how to solve your rat problem.

Bird Control Spikes Give You An Advantage Over Those Pesky Garden-Wreckers

Ranging from conventional to high-end bird control devices, bird control spikes are still used to prevent pesky birds from damaging your roofs, tiles, pavement and garden. But what makes these devices more suited for your home? What makes this pointed instrument better among the rest? Here are the d

Wolf Spider Facts

Wolf Spider Facts: Wolf spider is large and hairy. In medieval times, victims would use dancing to remedy its bite.

Getting Rid of Rodent Information

Getting rid of mouse is a great problem in many households. Having mouse at your home carries so many dangers. You will get mice infestation and you can see urine stains and faces of mouse in kitchen and other places which will make you unhappy at times.

New Pesticides and New Approaches to the Treatment of Bedbugs

I learned in a recent conversation that the pest industry is introducing new products and trying new approaches in the treatment of bedbug infestation. This new initiative, I learned, is making headway in the war against bedbugs.

How Can You Get Rid of Carpenter Ants in Your Home?

Carpenter ant extermination is best left to professionals. Spraying ants directly yourself can be ineffective as well as harmful to pets and children. If you're a homeowner, you should schedule an initial inspection to make sure they can detect the location of the nest, a second to treat the ne

How to Get Rid of Possums in the Garden

How to get rid of possum fast can be hard sometimes, but if you work hard and read this, you will soon learn everything you need. The first thing you need to know is that usually possums are very passive, and often will just play dead, but they will attack if threatened. Do not be scared of the poss

Pesticides That Control Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small insects that can hide in mattresses, bedding, headboards and other places in homes, hotels or college dormitories. The eradication is a difficult endeavor, generally involving profe

Termite Avoidance

Certain regions have the right conditions for termites, and if these insects get a foothold in your home, you could be facing serious financial problems. Termites can be eating away and destroying the wood in your home for years without you even realizing it. There are a number of things that can be

The Most Effective Roach Killer Products

In this article I will show you some of the best ways you can avoid cockroach infestation in your home. If roaches are already there, then I have put together some effective products that will help rid them.