10 Reasons to Stop Smoking You Haven"t Thought Of

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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

Types of electronic cigarettes

New e-cig smokers and regular smokers seeking to reduce their dependence on cigarettes find it hard to choose the type of electronic cigarettes that best suite their needs. The following is a list of the ...

Smoking and Wrinkles

Improve the look of your face and stop your skin from aging prematurely by quitting smoking forever.Quitting can be done quicker and easier than ever with this method and you can slow down the aging of your face.

Why People Are Afraid of a Drug Rehab Center

Few days ago, I was chatting with a friend of mine. We were talking about his life and experience in the drug rehab center he was admitted to. Something I came to know was shocking, his life in the rehab was nothing better than a living hell.

Technology Addiction: True or False

Addiction comes in many forms – from substance abuse to television. New research has shown that technology may be the next common addiction. How many times have you seen a person glued to their cell p

The Right Attitude to Stop Smoking

It always pays for one to see things in positive light all the time even if this might be against all odds. Good things always happen to those who hope for it, which means pessimists are responsible for what befalls them. This is the real attitude that should be adopted by those who would like to qu

Addiction Recovery: Seek Professional Help

Figures can never lie. Recent research has unveiled that people are actually dying from sheer overdose of prescription drugs. Yes, research also shows that drug abuse is gaining a steep Northward momentum and is now ...

Alcohol Abuse

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of alcohol abuse including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Why Should You Give Up Smoking During Pregnancy?

If you have been smoking for years, an immediate breakaway from this unwanted habit can be extremely debilitating. But, sometimes, we have to give up some things not just for ourselves but also for our family, especially for our children.

Impact of Plain Packaging on Smokers

Despite vehement global anti-smoking efforts over the past several decades, cigarette smoking is proving extremely difficult to eradicate; according to the World Health Organization, there are nearly 1 billion smokers on the planet and that number is increasing. Australia recently became the first c

Are Vicodin Withdrawal Symptoms Dangerous?

Vicodin withdrawal can produce a wide range of physical symptoms which can occur when someone stops or dramatically reduces the drug after heavy or prolonged use.

Stop Smoking Programs - What You Need to Look Out For

If you want to find good stop smoking programs then you need a checklist to compare each program to a set of criteria and see if they pass the test. Let's run through exactly what is needed on your checklist for any effective program.

Electric Cigarette-demythified

The electric cigarette is used the innovative technology which acts like a traditional cigarette. When it is puffed a small orange LED at the end simulates the burning tip.