10 Reasons to Stop Smoking You Haven"t Thought Of

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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

Is It Possible To Quit Smoking With Nlp?

We all know how smoking can be a hard to quit habit for thousands, if not millions, of people across the globe.Yeah, smoking sucks and you may be in the situation when smoking is more like a drug for you.Unfortunately for you, smoking can kill you, so it is best to quit as soon as possible.But... is

Giving Thanks - 2006

Most of us take stock of the blessings in our lives every so often, and for those who quit smoking, that awareness is often profound.

Should You Quit Smoking For a Healthier Life?

Basically we can find three sectors of serious smokers. First category comes under the group who knows the risks of smoking, nevertheless go on with smoking thinking nothing dangerous will take place. This shows their strong courage and continues the same with an excitement from smoking. Very often

Top Secrets For Quitting Smoking

I was a heavy smoker. It did not come to me so easily to quit smoking. I know how to quit smoking because I experienced the struggle to do it.

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Using Laser Treatment to Quit Smoking

Even if people think they have tried everything to quit smoking, there may be another solution yet. Laser treatment to quit smoking offers another possibility to nip that hazardous habit.

I'll Bet You Didn't Know This About Smoking

Over many years people have often said 'I wish I knew how to stop smoking today', and done a billion smokers across the world. Each week, more than 105 billion cigarettes are sold, which comes to ten million cigarettes per minute, now that's staggering.

Bees May Aid in Cocaine Research

When we think of laboratory animals that are the subjects of experiments, many people think of guinea pigs or rats, but who would have thought that bees would make a perfect group of subjects? Entomologist Andrew Barron of Macquarie University in Sydney did a study that was published last month in t

Smoking, Drinking Causes Brain Injury

Chronic smoking and drinking causes both separate and interactive neurobiological and functional injuries to the brain, bad news for alcoholics, because a vast majority of them are chronic smokers as well.