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Software : Technology

How to Create Custom Text Boxes in HTML

A text box is used on an Internet form to provide your visitor with an area to enter his information. These boxes initially display with a white background and black text, but consider changing these characteristics to meet your needs. For example, style the text box to match the rest of your page l

Tips and Tricks for Corel Draw 12

CorelDraw Graphics Suite 12 is an intensive image editing software image by Orlando Florin Rosu from Fotolia.comThe Corel graphics suite, CorelDraw, allows the user to edit image files and create high-quality vector images. There are so many tools available in CorelDraw...


Define SCTS - from the Linux / Unix / Computing glossary at

What Is Driver Detective Spyware?

Driver Detective is a software application for PCs that can be downloaded and used to find the right drivers for certain aspects of a system's hardware. The application also includes spyware that is installed with the program. This is not the malicious type of spyware and the user is informed of its

Why You Should Go for the Document Management System

Many people haven't judged the power of Internet and cloud storage facilities; they are unaware of the things that can be done with the help of the document management system. Today, we can get many ...

SAP Software Reviews: An Important Component of Your ERP Software Search

If you manage technology infrastructures or make software decisions for a smaller or midrange company and you're about to begin investigating the possibility of ERP solutions, SAP software reviews will very likely form a vital component of your decision making process. SAP software reviews can

How to Convert From Excel to a TXT File

One of the features of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program allows users to convert an Excel file to a text file. When converting an Excel spreadsheet to a text file, the user is able to choose the delimiter, or the character that separates data values included in the text file. Excel will allow

How to Edit Videos in WMV with ShowBiz Editor

Windows Media Video is called "WMV" for short. It's a compressing video and audio format produced by Microsoft. WMV have a great advantage: consumes much little space when having the same quality with other video ...

Do You Need a Slow Computer Fix?

A slow computer can be a real pain in the neck and can cause considerable hindrance in actually getting any work done. One of the top reasons for a slow computer is invalid registry entries and an easily available slow computer fix is running a good registry cleaning software on your computer.

Useful PC Maintenance Tips

Your PC is your best friend, when it comes to maintaining your personal and business affairs safely. Therefore, you will not want any tampering with your personal details. However, keeping it optimized demands sincere effort ...

How to Learn MS Project 2007

Keep all the areas of your company tied together by using Microsoft Project 2007. The software helps track projects, create workflow, reschedule tasks, design work groups and identify accomplished or missed milestones. Project is sold as a standalone Microsoft product or part of the 2007 Office Suit

How to Convert SQLite to Text

Converting a value into the "TEXT" data type in SQLite is helpful when you want to make sure the data isn't accidentally treated as an integer or some other data type. Unlike most SQL database engines, SQLite uses a dynamic type system, which allows data to move between data types more easily. To co

6 Tips And Tweaks To Get The Best Out Of Google Chrome

If you are into browsing then probably Google Chrome is one of the most used browsers by you as it is for many users across the world. As working with Chrome is a day-to-day activity for you, so you might be interested in learning some tweaks and tips to get the best out of Google Chrome.