How To Prevent Or Help Hardening Of The Arteries - Simple And Easy Tips To Follow For Success
First, let us explore the different causes of such occurrences. The different ways on how to treat, prevent, and reduce the risk of this potential and serious disease will be revealed.
Hardening of the arteries is caused by either constant damage of the arterial walls by the immune system or high blood cholesterol levels.
Another known cause of hardening of the arteries is inflammation of the arteries.
These causes can appear as one or a combination of all three. However, this usually varies from one person to another.
In a nut shell, the deposited cholesterol plaques in the arteries are the ones responsible for blocking and narrowing the arteries.
Take note that the larger the plaque becomes, the more oxygen and blood flow becomes restricted. When these arteries are completely blocked, this will result in what we call the dreaded heart attack or stroke.
With such occurrences becoming more frequent, it is now time to answer the question - "how to prevent or help hardening of the arteries?"
As we look at the possible causes, it becomes highly apparent, that for us to prevent or reverse this condition, we need to come up with successful ways to reduce inflammation, lower bad cholesterol levels, and repair damaged inner arterial walls, as follows:
Reducing Homocysteine Levels
Homocysteine, a type of amino acid can damage the arterial walls due to formation of cholesterol plaque, so look to reduce it. Moreover, high levels of amino acids also cause blood clotting.
Reduce Blood Cholesterol Through Diet
This is actually one of the most effective ways on how to prevent or help hardening of the arteries. This simply means that we have to get rid of foods that are high in saturated fat and processed foods as well.
Adding a natural cholesterol lowering supplement to your diet will ensure you achieve excellent cholesterol levels, as some natural ingredients are capable of reducing the absorption of cholesterol from food by up to 50%!
Become Physically Active
Physical inactivity is usually associated with the hardening of the veins and arteries. To make this work for you, try to do a thirty-minute exercise daily, five days a week.
Furthermore, reducing or eliminating smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are two of the best ways to deal with how to prevent or help hardening of the arteries.
When faced with hardening of the arteries, follow the success of others by visiting my website today, and give yourself every protection against heart disease.
Mary Ruddy is a former high cholesterol sufferer, from a family with a history of heart disease, and is a strong advocate of natural health care. Mary has successfully achieved perfect cholesterol levels and eliminated her risk of heart disease, and enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily at: