Online Parties-How to Get Started and How to Promote Them
ONE quick note here even if the company is doing a mass amount of advertising it is best if you also do your own advertising for your own event.
When you start an online party you will need to know a few things ahead of time.
#1 Where its going to be located #2 what type of games you will be playing, everyone loves games for a list of games to play for both online and offline parties and chats look at page 59 in the Step by Step Marketing Guide.
#3 What type of prizes you will be giving away #4 Who will you be inviting, where you network, family and friends etc #5 Start advertising your party a full 2 weeks in advance, ask for people who are interested emails so you can send them reminders!I can't tell you how many times I wanted to go to an online party and just plain forgot the day and time.
An update about a couple days before and the day of will help your attendance! #6Be prepared to talk about not only your products but your business opportunities if its offered.
OK its the day of the party what do you do? #1 Send out an email reminder, post on networks and groups you are a member of #2 Party starts introduce yourself and tell them a little about your company and ask everyone in the chat room to introduce themselves.
#3 Ask if anyone is looking for a specific item or what their needs are for that day #4 Tell them about your specials, if you do a drawing for attendees do it now #5 Have them look at your website direct them to the areas you want them go to #6 Play a game #7 Announce the winner of the game #8 Ask several times during the party if anyone has any questions #9 Tell everyone when you will be closing the party.
#10 Thank everyone for coming Now you can adjust the party to what makes you feel comfortable.
I also for a small fee ($5.
00)can come to your party and if you need support or guidance you can PM me and no one will know I am helping you out for your first online party.
Most important make the party fun! I went to a business associates online parties every time she had one last year WHY?They were fun!She was very interested in people's needs; she played a couple games and just had fun! So have fun at your online parties make it something everyone will want to come to!