How to Spot Replica Handbags

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    • 1). Consider the price of the handbag. If it's being sold at a price significantly lower than retail, you can safely assume it's a replica. There's usually a reason it's too good to be true. Replicas are often sold at street markets such as those in New York's Chinatown, flea markets and on Ebay.

    • 2). If you are buying the bag secondhand from a private individual, ask for the original sales receipt showing where the owner purchased the handbag. Be weary of sellers who can't prove the bag came directly from the manufacturer or from an authorized dealer. An authentic bag comes with a certificate of authenticity that states where the bag was made, the serial number and the exact model and type of bag.

    • 3). Look for proper spelling and grammar on the handbag's label, certificate of authenticity, inserts or any other printed materials included with the item. Replicas are often produced by people who don't speak English as their native language.

    • 4). Examine the handbag for discoloration, stiffness, cracks and any other defects. High-end handbags are very well made and will not contain these imperfections.

    • 5). Check for a label on the handbag. If there isn't one, that indicates the handbag is a replica. If there is a label, the text is usually embossed and easy to read. Logos should be in manufacturer-specific fonts and colors. Go online to see what they should look like.

    • 6). Examine the stitching on both the inside and outside of the handbag. The stitching should be evenly spaced and run perfectly straight. It should also be close together, with very little space between each stitch.

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