Tips And Tricks To Solve Mcq Questions In Iit Jee.
Here are a few tips and tricks to solve multiple choice questions.
* Read the entire question before you look at the options.A part of the answer will definitely make you choose the wrong option.
* Apply the subject knowledge on the important part of the question.Understand the vital part of the question first and then think of the answer possible with out looking at the choices.Get the answer in your mind and then look for that option in the given alternatives.
* Do not guess the answer soon. Marking the correct answer is not important, marking the best one is important.The choices given will be similar to each other and most of the times partially correct in reference to the given question.In that case, choosing the appropriate answer will only fetch a mark.
* The answers you select should be technically correct and should be complete as most questions contain " all of the above " or " none of the above" options which tend to be the right answers.
* If you are not sure of an answer, then Just Take a Guess !! Strike off the choices that you are sure off to be wrong.narrow down your choices by bringing it to just one or two.Compare them and then make a best choice.
* Try looking at the question grammatically. There might be chances to fix the correct answer this way too.
* The first answer you choose, out of knowledge or gut will always be correct. So o not change your answer out of confusion.
* Go solve other questions if you don't know the one you are trying to solve.Do not waste time on a question that takes a lot of time to solve.
* Know your subject well. Be aware of the terminologies and the terms of the subject.This will also lead you to the correct answer.
* In case of IIT JEE , Wrong answers are penalized with negative marks.So avoid answering questions that you are completely unaware off.
You can apply these simple yet useful tricks to both IIT JEE Online and Offline mode of exams.Lack of concentration,confidence and exam stress can also be a reason for choosing wrong answers in spite of knowing the subject and the correct answer.So, never let that happen.Also be extra careful while you bubble the answers in case of the Offline mode.Once marked cannot be changed later. Cross check the question and the answer and then bubble them.Make use of all the preparation tips. available for IIT JEE and crack IIT.