Cheating Signs- Is Your Spouse Cheating, What You Need To Know
If you are concerned about your boyfriend cheating, girlfriend cheating, spouse cheating, if you think that your wife cheated or your husband cheated and you are looking for signs of cheating the following information should be quite helpful.
Did you know that the top reasons why wives cheat on their husbands are not necessarily for sex?
Below are the top reasons why both sexes cheat on their spouse.
The most frequent reasons for cheating among men include
1. More sex (the desire for a more active sex life)
2. Sexual variety (a desire for different kinds of sex)
3. Opportunistic sex
4. To satisfy sexual curiosity (about a specific female)
5. A feeling of entitlement (the belief that it's a man's prerogative to cheat)
6. The "thrill of the chase"
7. The desire to feel important or special
8. Sexual addiction
Why Women Cheat
The reasons most frequently noted for cheating among females include:
1. A desire for emotional closeness and intimacy
2. A desire for attention (wanting be the center of a man's attention again)
3. To reaffirm her desirability (To feel validated as a woman)
4. To re-experience feelings of romance
5. A desire to feel "special"
6. Boredom
7. Loneliness
8. Sexual excitement
There are many telltale signs that your partner is having an affair I will list just a few.
Husbands cheating and there signs:
1. He is buying new clothes, when you normally do the shopping.
2. He purchased some new undergarments.
3. He is shaving differently or growing a beard.
4. He purchased a new phone plan without you knowing about it.
5. The computers History is being cleared daily.
Wives cheating and there signs:
1. She is wearing a new perfume.
2. She is tanning and worrying about how she looks.
3. She is on a diet.
4. She is working out at a health spa and did not ask you to join with her.
5. Married sex has stopped almost completely.
6. She buys a new wardrobe.
7. Stops saying I love you when she hangs up the phone.
8. She runs away when her phone rings and goes in the other room to talk, or the conversations are only a minute or two in length when she talks to her girlfriends for hours at a time.
How more relationships could be saved.
What you need to do to catch your spouse cheating:
A. How to reverse look up cell phone numbers.
B. Undelete deleted text messages
C. Find out the dirty tricks cheating partners use to cover their paper trail
D. What to look for discretely in your own home and spouses car
E. How to spy on your partner using the latest high-tech spy gadgets
F. Discover the top signs in your sex life that point to an affair
Did you also know that in most cases of cheating, the opposing spouse has no idea cheating signs or that there spouse is cheating (70% of married women and 54% of married men) are the latest numbers from. And usually the signs are so apparent even the children notice them, statistics gathered from various books and resources.