The Worst Secret Top 12 Things That a Girl Can Say to a Guy
Believe me, I've experienced some of it, so they are very bad.
Be careful who you say it to, because you might cause a relationship to break up unintentionally.
Well, here are the worst things that a girl can say to a guy.
Use it to your own discretion! 1.
I Like you as a friend.
It's so small...
Is it in yet? 4.
Your friend is hot! 5.
I hate you! 6.
I didn't want to stop you, but you were having so much fun.
I just love you, like a brother.
How sweet.
I thought you were gay?!! 10.
When is this meant to feel good? 12.
Please, don't be building expectations towards me.
I don't want you to live in a lie.
If you noticed that the worst thing that you say to a guy are words that damage their ego.
Guys don't like their ego's to be damaged.
So generally, the best thing to say to guy is the opposite.
That is, praise their ego! The more you praise and boost their ego, the more they will like you.
But damage it, you can break men's heart!