How to Find True Love And Happiness In The Present Day Lyrics
This is what will make all the difference between you finding your soul mate or continuing year in, year out, going around in circles on that never ending dating merry-go-round! Take onboard what I'm about to tell you and trust me, your true love, your real soul mate, will appear in your life almost effortlessly…some even say ‘magically'!
You see I know what it's like to be lonely. How sad, empty and very alone in the world you feel. I've been there and I know just how awful it is. The coming home to an empty house, making meals for one, getting just a single glass out for your bottle of wine, night after night in alone feeling that life is passing you by. Feeling as if everyone else is out there having a great time except you and that finding love is for other people, that it just won't ever happen for you. Dreading Christmas approaching each year as you know that while everyone else is cozying up with their loved one, you are all alone and desperately wishing the time away until it's all over and you can get back to normal. Hoping Valentines day would just disappear. I've been right there and know exactly how lonely and isolating it feels. Grab A Copy Click here
Imagine you have met your true love, your soul mate, your life partner, that one special person who gives you butterflies in your tummy every time you think of them or hear their voice, the person who when you look into their eyes your souls meet. Right now just imagine it. How does it make you feel? It makes you feel warm inside, right, blissfully happy and vibrantly alive…I bet you're even smiling too aren't you! Now you may think this person doesn't exist because you've tried for many years and in many different ways to find them and no doubt failed. You may even have given up on the idea that your true love is out there…but don't! Let me assure you, not only is finding your soul mate possible, if you follow what you are about to learn then...finding your soul mate is not only possible…you literally cannot fail!
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