Common Mistakes Ladies Make in Relationships With Guys
Mistake 1: We panic over the scarcity of sincere guys.
There's no question that we have this urge to find a lifelong relationship.
It is born in us.
We want a commitment from that one special man, and those natural urges are very strong.
Here are few probing questions here fro you: - What is your first thought when you see or meet a new guy? Let me guess: Is he single?.
If you know he is single, your first thought may be, is he taken? Now, I don't know if you will ever be able to stop that first thought.
(I find it still happens to me on occasions.
) But the secret is to immediately abandon that line of thinking.
Mistake 2: We are afraid to share our real feelings with guys.
Some girls have this trait both in personal and business relationships with men.
I think this fear has several possible sources: 1) We are not really sure if what we have to say is valid.
We lack confidence in our experience or opinions.
2) We are intimidated by a male presence.
Many women clam up when a man is around.
3) We do not want to come on too strong, because we have learned that many men have difficulty dealing with women who have their own ideas & opinions.
4) In a personal relationship, we fear losing the man if we express our feelings and he doesn't like what he hears.