There is No Overnight Success - Ways to Become Rich
- Eddie Cantor
It's always funny to me how whenever someone becomes a huge success, some of the first people to congratulate them are those who were often negative and critical of them along the way.
Contrary to what many people tend to believe, lasting success almost NEVER happens "overnight". It simply takes way too much personal development for it to happen that fast.
This is especially true in business because you don't get the luxury of riding off of something like a record deal or some other "big break" to propel you from obscurity to the spotlight. And if the truth be told, even those who DO have that experience typically work at it relentlessly for YEARS behind the scene before anybody knows their name.
I can remember being new in business and being envious of people who were coming into the direct sales company that I was in at the time and skyrocketing to the top of the compensation plan. I wondered what they had that I did not.
What I discovered was that they typically had years of experience, relationships, and contacts to leverage in order to be able to build that fast. They had simply paid those dues somewhere else. Typically they had track records that lasted from 10-20 years.
Now, I hope it doesn't take you 20 years to get there. If you get a few good mentors under your belt it you should arrive at your goal in a mere fraction of that time.
However, don't beat yourself up for all of the false-starts, missteps, setbacks, or even failures. You're just paying the dues that we ALL must pay to able to earn the right to be revered as a huge success.
Know that you ARE on the right path. Simply keep putting one foot in front of the other in the right direction, and your destination is all but guaranteed.