Three Signs Your Wife is Having an Online Affair
If you really suspect your wife of having an online affair, the only effective way of finding out is by being direct. We will look at some ways to check up on you girlfriend or wife later, but for now let's assume that you are positive that she has been cheating on you online. In other words, you have actually caught her in the act.
If you catch you wife cheating online, you either have to demand it stops straight away, or else you insist on the same freedom she is having. Nine times out of ten your wife or girlfriend will soon put a stop to her antics if you threaten to start an online affair yourself. However, if she refuses to let go of her internet infidelity, then you have no choice but to cut her loose.
There will be some chance of resolution and reconciliation if her online cheating has not yet culminated in her physically meeting the other guy (or even woman). Perhaps it is just a phase she is going through because your relationship with her has started to become boring and mundane. If this is the case, the two of you should perhaps look at some form of marriage counselling or relationship guidance to get through this rough patch.
Now let's return to the scenario of suspicion. Here are three tell-tale signs that your wife or girlfriend is having an Internet affair.
1. Sneaky behavior with the computer.
If she starts to log onto her computer at odd times, this could be a significant indicator of infidelity. Sometimes cheaters will get up in the middle of the night and check their emails - especially in the case of a shared home computer. Of course, with smartphones and laptops, your job is going to harder. Also, it should raise the alarm if she is always logging off the moment you enter the room.
2. Answering every phone call
If she rushes to answer every call, even if you are closer to the phone - then she possibly has something to hide and doesn't want you to hear a strange man's voice on the other end of the line.
3. Refuses to let you read her emails
If you have a steady and long-term relationship, she should be comfortable in letting you read her emails. If not, then this is suspicious. One way of forcing the issue is to bring up the idea of a "cyber legacy". In other words, if she were to become incapacitated and someone needed to access her emails and other digital data, then you need to know how to access these. If she refuses you her passwords, then she might be hiding something from you.
In summary, if her online dalliance with other people is nothing but harmless flirting, then you have a very good chance of salvaging your relationship.
On the other hand, if it has developed into a full-on physical or romantic entanglement with another guy or girl, then you will find it harder to keep her.