Email Marketing. The New Era of Marketing Your Online Business.
What Makes You A Successful Email Marketer?
1. Know your audience, it's about targeting meaningful quality content to smaller audiences.
2. Show your expertise and provide a mix of informational and promotional content.
3. Make your customers feel special and become a trusted advisor providing valuable content consistently.
4. Structure each email campaign; know the why and what you want to happen.
5. Make sure the "call to action " link is clear and doesn't get lost amid other links and graphics, this will produce the best results.
6. Make sure your "From" line includes your business name.
7. Your "Subject" line should be specific and not misleading, in a world of information overload only well written and welcomed emails have a chance to break through the static.
8. Constantly review your tracking and subscriber reports to determine what's working and what's not.
9. Always include an unsubscribe link to all emails.
10. Respect those who do unsubscribe.
11. Make email-marketing part of your business plan.
12. Try out new ideas to improve your campaigns and avoid common mistakes.
13. Stay connected by sending your customers a monthly tip, a free e-book or anything valuable, just stay connected...... it's not always about making a sale.
14. Checkpoints before you send out any email:
o I am sending to the correct list
o I proofread all the text in Notepad before having it coded for my HTML messages.
o I verified that the offer or other purpose for sending the message is the correct one.
o I included an unsubscribe link and street address as required by CAN-SPAM. (Or, I included all the elements my country's commercial-email regulations require.)
o I clicked every link and link-connected image to make sure they all work, and checked to make sure each image has an alt tag describing the content.
o I previewed the message in my preview pane and with images disabled, in different browsers and on different computer platforms.
o I proofread my text message and included the link to my message on the Web.
o I had one other person look it over before I hit "send."