The No Contact Rule to Get Your Ex Back - The Simple and Effective Principle That Smart People Apply
Assuming that breaking up with your ex has left you hopeless and in a desperate need to gain back your lover's heart, you are willing to do just about anything to get your ex back.
In that case, the no contact rule can be at great aid for you.
Basically what you must do is anything BUT getting in touch with your ex.
He/she will expect you to do so and finding out that you are no longer the predictable person he/she though you'd be, will make him/her give a serious thought about you.
All the questions that you have in your mind right now will "migrate" into his/her brain and he/she'll end up realizing that taken control over his/her thoughts more than ever.
The no contact rule brings you even more benefits: you can use the time apart from your ex to get back to some aspects of your life you have had the tendency to neglect during your post-break up depression.
I'm talking about your personal look, your social life and your professional efficiency.
The way you look tells about the way you feel.
Improving your look will not only make you feel better, but also letting your ex know that you are doing fine while they are probably still struggling with the questions about your relationship and feelings about each other.
The best way to show your ex that you're having a great time and enjoy being single is by getting your social life back.
Spend some time with your friends and start frequenting public places.
No need to mention the professional benefits! The no contact rule has no counter indications, so be confident about it: it really gets your ex back!