Is the Sony Reader Digital Book PRS-700 Mac Compatible?
- To download Calibre, navigate your Mac's Internet browser to the "Calibre" link ( and click the "OS X" link then click the "OS X Intel" link. Follow the on-screen prompts to save and install the file. Once the installation wizard is finish, click the Calibre icon on your Mac's Desktop to open the application. The application will step you through transferring digital content to your Sony Reader PRS-700.
- Calibre and similar applications will not let you transfer e-books and other content that contains a license for exclusive use on the Sony Reader PRS-700. This licensing is known as Digital Rights Management -- this type of material contains a copyright and you cannot transfer it to your Mac then to the Sony Reader PRS-700. You can only transfer non-DRM content to the e-book reading device.
- If using Calibre or a similar file transfer program, you also will not be able to download digital content from Sony's online e-book store. But you can download content from other websites that specialize in e-book and other digital publications that do not contain DRMs.
- You can also transfer digital content to your Sony Reader PRS-700 by using a friend's PC or borrowing a PC and loading the device's application disc. Insert the CD-ROM into the PC's CD drive then follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation process and download content. The Sony application lets you download and transfer DRM content directly from Sony's online e-book service to the device. Each time you want to load DRM content onto the device, you will have to use the PC containing the Sony application.