Will I Be Able to Read Google Books on My Kindle?
- The Kindle supports Adobe's portable document file (PDF) format natively, allowing you to transfer your existing PDF eBooks to the device via USB cable. Locate an eBook on Google Books that you want to read, and click the "Read on your device" link in the right hand column. Click the "Download PDF" button to save the eBook to your computer as a PDF file. This file can then be transferred to the Kindle by connecting it to your computer by USB cable, and copying the PDF file into the Kindle's "documents" folder.
- Google Books also allows you to download eBooks in the ePub format. The Kindle does not natively support ePub files, but you can easily convert them to a Kindle-compatible format using free online conversion tools. Click the "Download ePub" button in Google Books, and open a conversion tool such as Online-Convert.com or 2epub.com in your computer's Web browser. Upload the ePub file to the conversion tool using the "Choose File" button, and allow it to convert the ePub to the Kindle-compatible MOBI format. Save the MOBI file to the Kindle.
- The Calibre eBook Manager software can import eBooks from Google Books, convert them and save them to your Kindle. Download and install Calibre from calibre-ebook.com, select "Kindle" as your preferred reading device, and enter your Kindle's email address when prompted. Click the "Add Book" button in the menu at the top of Calibre, and select a PDF or ePub file saved from Google Books. Calibre will convert the file into a Kindle-compatible AWZ file and automatically email it to your Kindle.
- By launching the Web browser from the Kindle's "Experimental" menu, you can navigate to books.google.com and sign in using your Google account username and password. Select the "My Library" link in the left-hand column using the Kindle's five-way controller, and click the "Read Now" button next to your eBooks. Google will display the eBook in the browser window, allowing you to read it as long as the Kindle remains connected to a Wi-Fi network. If the Kindle is 3G-equipped, you can read it without the need for a Wi-Fi connection.