Trick Photography And Special Effects 2nd Review - Taking Remarkable Photographs The Easy Way
Some of the ideas that are presented might actually be considered controversial, as many would consider photography to be a type of art that requires the highest precision equipment, as well as qualities such as patience and dedication.
According to the author of the book, however, this is not always the case, as even some of the most pretentious special effects can be learned quickly and achieved without the use of expensive equipment. This was the aspect that attracted me the most, as I had rarely seen a book that would paint such a colorful picture when presenting these types of techniques.
Trick Photography and Special Effects Is a Great Book For Beginners
Perhaps one of the most pleasant aspects of this book is that it is truly intended for those who haven't yet learned much about photography. It makes it quite clear that you don't need too much advanced knowledge in order to take photographs that will be able to impress.
While the almost 300 pages of instructions and guidelines present the various special effect techniques in a friendly manner, the book is not always "light" to read. It is, however, extremely engaging, and the way in which the freeze motion photographs and dynamic range landscape shots are presented can make a lasting impression on even some of the most experienced photographers.
Trick Photography and Special Effects Comes With More Than 50 Videos In Addition To The Book
You will probably like many of the videos provided in addition to the book. They are mostly between 5 and 20 minutes long, and are quite orderly organized, so you will not have a hard time figuring out where to get everything from. The quality is also flawless, so that you can listen to the instructions without any confusion, and see the results easily.
The only thing that might be dissatisfying is that some of the guidelines are not clear enough, and might require listeners to make up their own minds about the most suitable techniques that can work best in various circumstances. This can, however, also be considered as an opportunity to put your creativity to the task, and come up with additional ideas that may not be covered by the book.
Is It Worth the Investment?
Spending almost 100 $ on an e-book may normally be considered as an expensive purchase. Nevertheless, when you look at only some of the benefits that the book can offer, you can see that it might actually be worth it.
Normally, photography is much more costly than that, as, even if you don't want to create rare special effects, the equipment needed might actually reach the price of several thousand dollars in some cases. However, as you will see after you put some of the information in the book into practice, there are a lot of things you can achieve without making use of expensive equipment.
Indeed it may be true that some of the well-versed photographers who are slightly more attracted by the conventional aspects of the practice might consider that the modern, controversial approach of the "Trick Photography and Special Effects" book is not in line with the spirit of the art.Check It Now!