How to Save Your Relationship With Your Boyfriend? The Steps You Must Take Today
A separation puts both parties on a defensive situation and accusations are often hurled.
Heated arguments can also bring one party to physically hurt the other.
Staying away after a separation is the most appropriate thing to do until intense emotions cool down and rationality emerges from both ends.
Stalking your ex and begging him to reconcile with you is a mistake for this will not gain the love back but will make the other party lose respect for you.
Analyzing both your flaws is a method on how to save your relationship.
Think of what could have probably provoked the breakup.
Accept the mistakes that you have made and try to work out getting rid of that aspect of your attitude that prompted you to commit those errors.
Reflect on the changes you should make so that you would emerge as a better person, one who can handle a relationship well the next time around.
Your time alone should also make you productive by trying out a new hobby, acquiring a new skill, meeting your old friends, and improving your looks and body so as to gain back your self-confidence.
Time apart from an ex-partner will make him miss you and he will surely do something just to know how you are feeling after the separation.
If he asks about you from friends or if he communicates with you, this is a sign that he still cares because a person who does not have feelings for you will not be concerned at all about your welfare.
Now is a good time then to test his feelings by going out with someone new and making sure he knows it.
In a jealous rage and a hurt ego, he will devise a way on how to save your relationship.
If he were concerned, he would not want to see all the memories and time you spent together in the past flushed out by someone new.
When he chases after you, do not give in easily.
Let him pursue you more but do not be rude to him.
You have to test his patience and make him undergo a difficult pursuit.
When you go back to him, he will learn to value you more because of the hard test he had gone through to regain you.
Being a challenge is a method on how to save your relationship.
The success of a relationship lies in the hands of both partners.
You have to learn how to adjust, accept and do anything to make it last.
A breakup does not have to be the end but it is a test to make you value the relationship and your partner more.
You will be given the opportunity to see how life works without the other.
You have to constantly think of creative ways on how to save your relationship.