What Can Destroy Your Online Business and How You Can Prevent It
It is good to be a perfectionist. However, perfection can be taken too far. There is a danger that you absolutely must avoid.
First of all, it is recommended that you create and build your own web site for two reasons. First, hiring someone to create it for you can be very expensive. As a beginner in internet marketing, you want to save as much money as possible. Second, building a web site reassures you that you are knowledgeable about html, meta tag data, putting links and images on your site, and optimizing your web site for search engine optimization. This is your web site. Therefore, you will want to know everything about it. If there is a technical problem, you want to be the one to solve it. You want it to be perfect. But you have to draw the line somewhere.
Many people who create their own web site will constantly make changes. And I mean major changes. Some of these changes will take you an entire day to make. You will spend most of your time trying to get something to work out the way you want it. This is what you need to avoid. Constantly making changes to your site will cause you to waste very, very valuable time. The time could be better utilized by putting quality content on your site, marketing your site, optimizing it for search engine optimization, increasing your Google page rank, and last but not least, monetizing your site. It is important that you want your site to be a good as it can possibly be. But the other things are far more important. You can have the most beautiful web site in the world, but if your time is so preoccupied with sticky details, you are not allowing yourself to concentrate on the things that really matter.
Therefore, I want you to concentrate on these four things:
Create your web site the way you want it, and go with it.
Make changes from time to time, but only minor changes.
DO NOT allow yourself to get tied down with the unnecessary, sticky details that will take up valuable time.
Once your web site is created, spend the majority of your time promoting it.
In summary, do the things you have to do to make your online business a success. If you follow these steps, most of the frustration will no longer exist. Do it the right way, and your online business will succeed.
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