Eliminating Divorce As an Easy-Out for Marital Difficulties
If the marriage isn't going smoothly or they get disgruntled because their spouse isn't behaving exactly as they want him or her to, they head for divorce court.
It's like no one tries to work out their differences any more, because the commitment to making the marriage strong just is no longer there, and there is no longer a stigma involved in getting a dissolution.
The facts of the matter are, however, that in most cases the differences can be worked out to mutual satisfaction, and getting a divorce often means jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.
One of the main problems in most marriages is money.
There seldom seems to be enough of it, especially during these times of recession and job loss.
Keep in mind, though, that divorce is at best a permanent fix to a temporary problem.
By working at your marriage and trying some money-saving techniques, you can weather the storm and bring your relationship back to shore even stronger than it was before.
Some options that are available to you in order to better your financial situation is finding a 2nd job, selling unnecessary items, eliminating extra expenses (such as getting rid of cable TV), and making do with less expensive cuts of meat and store-brand items.
Keep in mind that if you divorce, it will cost more to live apart than it does to live together.
Communication - or the lack of it - is another bone of contention in many marriages.
There's no way two people can remain close to each other and understand each others feelings without talking.
Of necessity, your lives are separate a great deal of the time as you go off to your jobs and spend time with a variety of other people.
The closeness that was once part of your relationship can disappear quickly if you don't keep each other clued into your separate lives.
How can she understand the stress your job causes you when you never tell her about the little things that happen? And how can he know that your job is frustrating because you're being paid less than your male counterparts unless you explain the situation to him? Don't allow the idea of divorce to infiltrate your marriage.
If you start resolving your arguments by announcing that you want a divorce, pretty soon both of you will be considering it as a viable option.
Stick to your intentions when you first got married.
Those were undoubtedly that you were going to make this marriage work at all costs and no matter what.
You love your spouse, and even if you get irritated at them sometimes, there's still a lot there that's worth saving.
So concentrate your thoughts on the good things about your relationship, and don't allow yourself to entertain any thoughts of divorce.