How to Find Your Ancestors for Free
First, I would go to the Family Search site which is run by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The Latter-day Saints also known as Mormons have the world's largest collection of research sites and information.
You can check to see if they have any research centers in your area.
On the same site, you can go to the section called "Introduction to LDS Family History Centers" and learn about the centers and even search for ones close you.
The map that shows up lets you search anywhere in the world including places such as Mauritius and Iceland.
This site is free and it includes massive amounts of work provided by volunteers and other family history researchers.
You have to register but the amount of information you can find is quite astounding and you can find links worldwide.
Another free site is RootsWeb.
It's affiliated with the industry leading Ancestry genealogy site and offers a huge range of sources and resources.
This would be the second place I would go.
It allows you to connect with others who are doing similar ancestral research.
You might be able to snap your piece of the genealogical into other pieces of the same puzzle.
Mocavo is the third place I'd go.
Of course, there is a paid version but the free version gives you access to fantastic resources.
There are thousands of databases and books and documents that range back to before the Middle Ages.
Some of the books and manuscripts are not fully available in the free version but there is enough to read to know if the material is useful to you.
There is information on where you can find the books.
The fourth place I'd go is Geni.
It is free.
There is a paid version of Geni but the free version will provide you with many links and resources.
These are only four of the free genealogy sites out there.
The important thing is that you get started somewhere and if I was starting, as I mentioned above, I would start with these places.
This will provide you with more than enough information to build a very good basis for your family history.
A good free genealogy software is Brother's Keeper.
There are others but this one has always been my favorite free software program.
It is easy to use.