Kids Snoring Tied to Behaviour Problems
Young children who are prone to loud and persistent snoring can develop behaviour problems like reduced attention span, frequent bouts of depression and aloofness and hyperactivity.
The main causes highlighted for these persistent issues are surprisingly related to the upbringing years and are linked to breastfeeding during infancy and family income of the parents.
Breastfeeding for long periods of time is said to have many good effects of a child's well being and this could potentially be one another good reason not to skip it.
Our brains grow and develop the most during the earlier years of our life.
An infant is said to sleep 20 out of the 24 hours a day and this directly helps in the development of the brain cells along with physical growth.
Any breathing problems that a child suffers during night - the time when the body, including the brain rest and rejuvenate - can disturb sound sleep and hamper the required amount of oxygen supply to the brain and hence interfere with cell development and formation.
This could ultimately lead to mood swings and behaviour problems in children.
Studies Conducted and Results A recent study conducted at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, under the lead researcher Dean W.
Beebe, PhD, director of the neuropsychology program at the university, found that children under the age group 2-3 years having loud snoring problems which persisted and occurred more than two times a week, could be susceptible to behavioural problems like hyperactivity and inattention.
This study used a small sample group of 249 children for the research.
Among the children found to be having persistent snoring problems, at least 2/3rds are said to be at a risk of developing disorders like ADHD when compared to other children in the same age group (10-12%) who did not suffer from loud snoring while sleeping.
However, the study does not effectively prove that all snoring issues are directly related to behavioural problems.
It also does not hint that treating the causes of snoring can help in behavioural disorders.
The study suggests that both parents and paediatricians should keep the snoring problem in their 'radar'.
Parents should report any abnormal snoring patterns to the paediatricians and in turn even the paediatricians should check on the symptoms during regular check-ups.
In another research preceding the one above, a study was done in the U.
on more than 10,000 children and published in the journal Paediatrics.
This study too hinted at behavioural problems to be triggered from sleep apnea - a disorder which involves chronic snoring in children as well as breathing through the mouth or even a tendency to stop breathing for a few seconds.
The lead researcher of this study Karen Bonuck of the New York's Albert Einstein College of Medicine said that about 8% of the children had persistent breathing problems which developed into emotional disorders and anxiety.