Are You Trying To Make Money Online With Your Opportunity?
in the form of running out of capital, your family not supporting you, lack of time,
lack of leadership, the list can go on forever...
These "problems" are really just disguised into one thing that every entrepreneur
must face to have true long term success...
They are called temporary set-backs. And they are the Number #1
problem that keeps you from hitting your goals
Everybody who is an Entrepreneur is guilty of this at some time in their career...
Before Success will ever come to you, you are going to be met with lots of short
term defeat and failure.
Being a human the most common reaction to this is quitting. It's also the easiest
way out when faced with failure.
It doesn't require a lot of energy, to quit, so the average person will choose this direction every time.
And would rather face the embarrassment of failing, then committing long term to making it work
no matter what.
The most successful people in America,including those who make money online,
always said that their greatest success came just one step beyond the initial set-backs
they faced.
If your not careful you can fall prey to this trick that success plays on you. I can remember when I first
got started and I had huge dreams to make money online.
But guess what happened...Nobody was responding to my ads, nobody was watching my videos, I had spent
thousands without a single sale. It was just failure after failure...
My family thought I was nuts! Spending all the money we had on a "pipe dream" that in their eyes just
looked like a expensive hobby...
But I stuck with it, I established from the beggining that no matter what set-backs got in the way, I
would never quit... Its not failure that will kill you, its quitting...
So After 3 Months of that, I was rewarded with some large sales and regained all the money I had lost,
but I would have never had that success if I would of let those temporary set-backs push me into quitting.
So my message to you today is to accept the set-backs. Know that they are around the corner!
The only way you will know that your doing what your supposed to be doing is if you have set-backs
on a consistent basis...
It just part of the journey you take, when it comes to making money online.