Marriage and its importance in various countries
Mostly the marriage means that it is nothing but the formal conformation of relationship. Marriages and ceremonies are depending on the various culture and customs of that specific country. Marriage makes ones love life into a promising one. This is the occasion that brings two persons together for the rest of their life by joining their hearts. Wedding is just not means for to join two souls together but gives a proper and definite shape to their life.
However the importance of wedding differs due to different countries and it can not be judged only on the basis of the looks of society. In western as well as eastern countries there are different customs and principles that people use in their wedding ceremonies. The use of these customs and principles helps to keep it forever as the culture. As we know people are forgetting about their culture and customs but the cultural events and marriages are the best source to keep the culture alive.
The factors such as bridal shoes, bridal gifts, wedding invitation and wedding accessories are the most essentials things and in some countries is part of the culture. In Hinduism, marriage is the source that helps to meet both social and religious obligations. Other religions have their own ways to describe the importance of marriage ceremony.
According to some people marriage is the only path that they are following individually. Life is a long journey and everyone needs a perfect path to discover the distance. However, if we get traveling mate with us then the journey becomes too easy and happy. Here our life partners it self is a traveling mate for us who helps to make the journey joyful and happy.