Learning a Few Simple Steps Helped Me Get Back My Ex - And I Feel Wonderful!
Now life is fantastic.
The birds are singing and the bees are buzzing! But as happy as I am now, I can never forget the pain and desperation that I went through when I feared all was lost.
I could not concentrate on anything.
All I thought about was getting back together with my ex.
Guess I was like most guys when they think they've lost their girl.
It was full panic mode! At first I didn't even know what hit me.
Sure we had our spats from time to time - but breaking up? I couldn't accept that! At first I made things worse with all those phone calls and e-mails.
Now I can see why this was pushing her away.
Not very smart on my part.
But I can't blame myself too much.
I was making the same dumb mistakes a lot of other guys had made.
And getting the same lousy results.
It was obvious that in order to win back my girl, I would need to approach things differently.
Fortunately for me, I adjusted my approach.
Instead of doing things that made my ex feel pressured, I began acting in a way that gave her the time and space to remember all the good times we once shared.
Here are a couple of tips you might want to try in order to win back your ex.
You probably will want to scale back all communication right after the break up.
Making up can only happen after a period of time apart to clear the air.
Take good care of yourself.
Use this time off to lavish some attention on yourself.
You have probably been focusing on your relationship and neglecting yourself.
Now is the time to change that.
Develop healthy relationships with other people.
Make friends with both males and females.
There is no exact science to restoring any relationship.
You should try and combine common sense with some strategies that others have found useful.
Take a step back from the pain and force yourself to think clearly and realistically.
This will give you the best chance to get back with you ex.