The Truth About Mlm Secrets
Have you ever felt like something was left out after buying into this network marketing system revealing all these spectacular mlm secrets? Particularly the ones that used words like, instantly, simple, fast, easy, and well you get the idea.
The truth is unless you are already in the know, experienced in technology or just some kind of computer wiz-kid, there is nothing fast, simple or easy about true mlm success.
So why then aren"t you told this up front? It makes you think that the consensus is that everyone is actually scared of the four- letter word WORK and only interested in INSTANT gratification.
Well I admit, that doesn"t sound as nice as a walk on the beach, but hey that walk will be oh so much nicer after working hard and reaching that panicle of mlm success.
So here is the "Rest Of The Story". If you are one of those people who believe that a network marketing system really exist that will make you an over night mlm success without a lot of hard work, please save yourself a lot of disappointment an exit now.
For the rest of you, pay close attention to the mlm secrets I talk about next and in the articles to come.
True mlm success IS NOT accomplished by simply doing the numbers. Contrary to what most people have been taught it isn"t about just randomly getting through the numbers.
Can you imagine opening up a business with a marketing strategy to just get through the numbers to find one client. Of course not, unless you plan to close very soon.
Maybe that is why the network marketing industry has a 97% or more failure rate, because of the lack of effective marketing. The reality is that 99% of people you talk to randomly have no business being entrepreneurs in the first place.
Again lets look at that new business, and the hiring of employees. One of the first things we would do is interview the applicants right. Why wouldn"t we just grab anyone that walked by? Well obviously because they may not be QUALIFIED or even looking to work in our kind of business.
The mlm business is no different, yet we are taught to talk to anyone within 3 feet of us about our opportunity. That is why it is so crucial to follow a network marketing system that teaches you how to effectively market YOU and your OPPORTUNITY to achieve the mlm success you aspire.
Any and everyone is not your prospect, here are some things you need to accept:
Some people actually love their job and would never consider doing anything else.
Others are morally against making a lot of money or scared to death of being self-employed.
While some are convinced that the mlm industry is an illegal pyramid scheme or they just simply have no desire or motivation.
So as you can see running around trying to persuade any and everyone to join your opportunity is a TOTAL waste of time.
So in a nutshell you should only prospect those who SHOW AN INTEREST FIRST.