How Does Smoking Affect Your Teeth?
- The effects of smoking of teeth occur rather quickly. It doesn't take long for the nicotine and tar to begin staining your teeth and causing them to become yellow. Chronic smokers can even have brown teeth if they have been smoking for years. This is very unattractive.
- Smoking causes chronic bad breath or halitosis. This can not be fixed by brushing your teeth or using mouthwash. Anyone who gets near your face will know you are a smoker.
- Smoking causes poor circulation. This reduces the blood flow to the gums. The gums are deprived of essential nutrients so they begin to suffer from disease. Because of the reduced blood flow, your gums may not bleed, so you may not know something is wrong until it is too late. You can even lose your teeth because of the gum disease.
- Smoking causes oral cancer. This comes from the over 4,000 chemicals found in a single cigarette. The bad news is that most oral cancer patients die within 5 years. This is because oral cancer is not usually detected until it is in its advanced stage.