Commit to True Calling Business Building Your Way
If you base your decisions on what others are doing then at best you'll create a poor imitation of what has worked well for them.
You won't prosper that way and you know it.
The quickest route to riches is by being more of who you are.
Those in authentic pursuit of the business of their dreams are more likely to build it because that was their intention from the beginning.
Authentic business building means that you are committed to expressing your true self in service to your clients.
"The world conforms to original thinkers.
They never conform to it.
The material world rearranges itself to accommodate what a Thinker wants, and it does so as a Thinker is thinking and deciding.
Why should you not expect the greatest and finest in your life? We exist in a Divine Bounty that awaits our taking, and the way of taking is a mental one that starts with desire, decision and expectancy.
" Raymond Charles Barker Why not become prosperous in mind, money and fulfillment through the authentic expression of your own uniquely individual being? You're more than enough to enjoy life on your terms.
Yet if you want to play in the arena of authentic work then you must bring you're "A" game.
That begins with deciding to go for it.
You must want to build a true calling based business and earn a livelihood from the core of who you are.
Without a burning desire to make the career change to build the life and business you most want - it's all just so much talk.
If you can't locate that burning desire remain where you are.
You may not be ready yet.
You must make the decision to go for it, in your own way.
Employment is slavery but there are no shackles keeping an unhappy employee from making the decision to seek his or her freedom.
Yet emancipation does require courage.
You have to be bold enough to seize the life you want to live.
You must positively expect resounding success from that decision.
Positive expectancy comes from a deep down, no-matter-what, confidence to commit and follow-through.
Yet that confidence is born after the courageous decision is made.
These requirements will get you in the game.
You'll still need to play your heart out.
But isn't that what you want? Don't you want to be thrilled and delighted as you pursue your true calling? As a true calling business coach I'm often asked by dreamers who are considering becoming entrepreneurs, "What comes next? I'd really like to figure it all out before I begin.
" I always answer in the same way.
You don't get to see what comes next until you commit.
Once you commit you've earned the right to play the game.
But you can't see what doors will open until you walk down the hall.
This point of action is the most beautiful synergy you can imagine.
It's here that your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical powers all meet as authentic expression in the marketplace.
At that point you'll see what you need to see to take the next step and the next.
Are you building an authentic business by doing it your way?