Personal Coaching & Small Business Coaching: The Hottest Must Have Accessory Or The Year 2009!
Now, The Playing Field Has Been Leveled, Here Is An Insiders Perspective On Putting Your Business On The Map In Less Than 12 Months.
Do you want to know the secret that most successful people in this world know and have that you dont?
A great spiritual leader, tells of his visit to the land of Africa. All his life he wanted to see the wild animals of my home-land. I share a bit of his account while they were out and about :
We stopped at a water hole to watch the animals come to drink. It was very dry that season and there was not much water, really just muddy spots. When the elephants stepped into the soft mud the water would seep into the depression and the animals would drink from the elephant tracks.
The antelope, particularly, were very nervous. They would approach the mud hole, only to turn and run away in great fright. I could see there were no lions about and asked the guide why they didnt drink. His answer, and this is the lesson, was Crocodiles.
I knew he must be joking and asked him seriously, What is the problem? The answer again: Crocodiles.
Nonsense, I said. There are no crocodiles out there. Anyone can see that.
Tiger woods, the famed golf player has one! Michael Phelps swears by it! Barbara Streisand says without it she would not be the power house we know her today. Serena and Venus Williams have one , goodness even Oprah has one! It is definitely the must have accessory for the 2009 year! Do you have one?
Apparently after a (rare) disappointing round of golf, Tiger Woods will often take a golf lesson. Why would Tiger Woods, the greatest golfer the world has ever known take a golf lesson? And from whom would he take this lesson? You see it is not so much about the greatest golfer taking a lesson from lesser known, no-talent person. The value here is in Tigers ability to see himself objectively from an angle or perspective that is not his own.
All coaching is, is taking a player where he can't take himself - Bill McCartney
It is therefore very apparent that the worlds highest performers get this concept. Hence the vast difference between mediocrity and phenomenal success!
Einstein said, The mind that created the problem cannot be the one be to solve it. In the same way, the person in the trenches is often unable to see themselves objectively enough to overcome their limitations.
By now you have figured out that we are talking about Personal coaching. Thats just one of the reasons that coaching is so powerful. A great coach can provide comprehensive knowledge and/or training that you just do not possess.
Having personal, one-on-one coaching can make all the difference in the world between being somewhat successful and being phenomenally successful.
A question was posed on yahoo answers that read:
Has anyone used a business coach or consultant? Will I get help or scammed?
I have a small home-based business that I'm looking to take to the next level. Should I just plunge into business books and try to grow it myself? Or should I sink the $4000 into a one-year relationship with a business consultant who is confident he can help me grow? I don't want to contract with him and find out that everything he tells me is just common sense business advice straight out of the books.
In reply, may I share with you this quote:
Coaching helps you develop your leadership skills, clarify your values and guiding principles and build your reputation. - John G Agno quotes
Wouldnt you much rather have a qualified expert take a look at what youve
done and give you suggestions on improving it?
Wouldnt you much rather have a qualified expert to turn to when you have
a question rather than try to figure it out through trial and error?
Wouldnt you much rather have a qualified expert who can tell you thats a
bad idea, heres a better way than to get it wrong and face another
Wouldnt you much rather have a qualified expert hold you accountable and
keep you motivated and on track rather than go at it alone and quit before
the finish line?
I would like to echo the words of John G Agno Coaching helps you develop your leadership skills, clarify your values and guiding principles and build your reputation. -
A client of mine once said to me, You see Patricia, everyone wants a fire, but no one wants to get the log!
Coaching & Consulting, is the very log that you need to get the fire going!
Every persons situation and needs are different. If you want the most power behind your punch, you want to have coaching that is focused 100% on you. The only strengths and weaknesses that will be targeted are yours, not those of 10 other people as well.
Often there is a natural desire to buy answers in a packaged program rather than do the work it takes to find a solution, BUT all too often what people end up with is an EMPTY PACKAGE! You have come to coaching for many reasons, but the bottom line is YOU WANT CHANGE!
The coaching-client relationship is like having your own personal GPS, for the journey that is your life.
Why would someone at the top of their chosen profession need a coach?
The answer is quite simple. They realize, as do top performers in every field, the value of having someone on the sidelines watching their every move and making sure they're on track. They know that, while they are doing what they do, it's important to have someone watching their every step and providing feedback to help them be their best.
Today, smart entrepreneurs are doing the same. Understanding that, rarely does anyone reach their potential without a coach, they are hiring coaches who specialize in working with businesses. Small business owners in particular, many who have no one to confide in other than their partner or spouse, can benefit greatly from the services of a small business coach. And hiring a coach tends to be a minor investment when compared to the value it brings.
In addition to providing a confidential and objective sounding board for problem solving and brainstorming, their coach will hold them accountable for achieving the goals they set for themselves and their business. Often the bane of the small business owner is that they are too busy with day-to-day activities, putting out the occasional "fires" that flare up unexpectedly to be concentrating on their long term vision. And most have learned from experience how difficult it is to achieve significant results going it alone.
Their coach, on the other hand, is able to hold this vision with them and ensure they are moving toward it. And a really great coach will help the entrepreneur envision a result bigger than they would have thought possible.
So, if you want to see your business grow and prosper, go out and get a coach.
It is important to note that there is a difference between coaching and consulting.
Consulting is when you pay an expert to come in and lay out exactly what you need to do in order to succeed. In consulting, the expert makes a blueprint and points you in the exact direction you need to go.
Coaching involves more interaction. It is more two-sided. The coach is there to guide and work with the client to find out how improvements can be made. What can you say differently next time? How can you invoke more feelings from your prospect next time?How can you do a better job of finding their motivation next time?These are questions that a coach should ask and find answers to when working with a client.
Consulting could be considered a beginning level of guidance and coaching a more advanced level.
Andrea Waltz, author of the popular book Go For No, states;
The relationship with your coach is an important and powerful one. As such, when choosing a coach, we recommend you interview him/her just like you would an employee you are hiring. But make no mistake; your coach will not be an employee. They will be your partner.
And if they brag about how everything comes easy to him/her and how theyve never had any problems in their lives, find another coach! You want someone who has worked through obstacles to get where they are!
And there you have it. The must have accessory of the year 2009. Do you have one?