How to Restore Trust in Your Relationship - Get Your Ex Back After an Affair
The process of restoration requires a lot of work and determination. Time and patience are paramount. Counselling may be a component of the process that you both participate in. This gives you both a safe place to openly communicate and 'air' any concerns and grievances. Much can be dealt with in this forum. A plan can be formulated for you to work with as you both move through the counselling process of restoration.
Counselling or not, you will need to be upfront with each other full stop. In other words being honest with each other is an essential ingredient in how to restore your relationship.
Meanwhile, at home, you can both work together with household chores. Helping with the dishes is a good place to start. All sorts of tasks can help to rebuild confidence. When you show that you can be trusted in these things, this will be translated through to your relationship issues, given time.
To restore trust in your relationship both parties must be prepared to give and take in all aspects of the relationship. From sunrise to sunset, day in and day out you must both give yourselves to each other. Until you can say that you have restored trust in your relationship. Then you will reap the rewards of a strong relationship once again.