I Rarely Have Sex With My Husband - The Dire Truth About Lack of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage
Well you're not alone in this at all...
it happened in my marriage, and many (if not most, for some periods) other women's marriages too.
But it doesn't have to mean the end of good sex in the marriage, the end of marriage or strife, that is of course if you do things right...
Why You your husband do not make "enough" Sex...
In order to solve this "problem", we must understand it first.
The first thing you must realize when you rarely have sex with our husband or your wife, is that you're marriage isn't necessarily in trouble.
Before we move forward you also need to realize that your marriage could be in trouble.
The fact that you and your husband rarely have sex can drive from a set of reasons and aging is one of them.
Low sex drive can come from natural physical processes that we are all going through.
It is only natural to suspect or to think that this is a problem, but a short counseling session with your (or your husband's) doctor, may find a solution and increase your natural libido and sex drives.
There might be a problem, however, if it is you that do not want the sex, while your husband initiates it more often then you wish he would, if any.
This situation when physically both partners are in a good shape, but they do not have sex because one or both really do not feel comfortable with the idea, point out that you and your husband might have lost the intimacy of your marriage, and by this I mean that you have lost that good emotional environment in which you could experience closeness, happiness, acceptance and security.
This is dangerous to your marriage since both of you are more open and willing to have an affair or an "emotional affair", or to take a lover, or to break this marriage apart.
There for, you must act immediately in order to work on your marriage.