Building IsA Permission-based Opt In E-mail List
When I say building a list, what I mean is building a permission-based opt in e-mail list. If you are not familiar with what that means you can simply Google the term. But, I will give you a brief explanation. For more details Basically, what happens is someone comes to your site and requests you to send them information on a subject. So, you can you can now communicate with them through e-mail. Basically, it is an ethical bribe in order for them to give you their information. You offer them something of value, and in return they give you permission to send them e-mails.
Once you have their information you can communicate with them through e-mail. Notice, I said you can't communicate with them. Even though they gave you permission to e-mail them you still cannot spam them. Not only is it illegal to spam people but it is also unethical. So, if you gathered someone's name and e-mail address for a certain subject, you must send them information on that subject. Plus, you need to state in your privacy agreement what you plan on doing with their information.
Anyway, this is not a article on what an actual opt in list is, but more of an article on you must have one. For more details The reason why you need a list, is it is a source of instant traffic and sales. You can literally send an e-mail and make hundreds if not thousands of dollars. So, without one you're really putting yourself at a disadvantage.
Plus, you can leverage the power of your list to form joint ventures with other marketers. If you do not have a list and the other marketer does have a list, the chances of them doing business with you or partnering with you is slim to none. I'm not saying it is impossible. But, it is slim to none.
So, if you are planning on building an online information business you absolutely must start building an opt in list. This opt in list is something that will drive you to the next level. So, start building your permission-based opt in e-mail list today.