The Commitment of Alaska to a Sustainable Seafood Catch For the Future
Frankly, there are no firm borders to cross and no simple way to inspect ships and prosecute business on water.
However, today you can find a veritable army at sea, trying to ensure one area of our food supply is being protected: the wild seafood of Alaskan waters.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is one government agency out to make sure that the long-term fisheries management is being conducted correctly, backed up by the National Marine Fisheries Service.
These agencies have instituted what is known as Total Allowable Catch, or TAC.
Once a number of fish are caught, there must be a halt on further fishing of that species.
Generally, the goal of this difficult work is to balance a fixed number of fish to be caught with an improvement in the efficiency of the fisheries themselves.
The best examples of keeping long-term fisheries management a success are these five techniques: 1.
Time and site limitations: If you are fishing in the right time of year and in approved areas, you may continue.
Otherwise, the boats will have to dispose and sacrifice any catch.
Boat size restrictions: Studies on long-term fisheries management have concluded that limiting the size of boats will benefit the Alaskan seafood supply.
Restriction and Outright Prohibition of Gear: Keeping the gear used by fisheries within the accepted standard is key.
Lost gear has led to a number of mishaps and disruption of sea life.
Pelagic longlines and fish traps have been completely prohibited in Alaskan waters.
Harvester limitation: Currently, limitation on licenses entry is keeping the amount of harvesters within any particular fishery to an accepted minimum.
Rights-based management: In order to adapt to the realities of a specific season or changes in the course of a species' life, Alaska withholds the right to alter the number of fish designated for TAC, making it harder to use the system for an unfair advantage.