Different Ways to Recycle
Recycling makes a direct impact on the world around us as it reduces the amount of waste that builds up on ever-increasing landfill sites and costs in both energy and money to transport and deal with.
By recycling we not only reduce waste but cut down on the energy use that is required to remove and dispose of our unwanted rubbish.
Recycling, however, can be tedious and having to separate waste can become a real chore.
Recycling bins ease the burden of course and make it easier to separate items by having different bins for each, and there are other methods of recycling that can get rid of our waste and put it to good use: Composting Composting is a great way for getting rid of kitchen, food and garden waste.
Not only does it reduce the amount of waste you throw out in the regular dustbin but all composting creates valuable and nutritious garden feed which will help your lawn and shrubs bloom.
As Mother Nature does all the work, composting is easy too.
To avoid garden mess and to make things a little easier, composters can be bought which are inexpensive and easy to assemble.
Log Makers If you have an open fire or wood burning stove you can get rid of waste cardboard, paper, newspaper and even garden waste by burning it.
Of course, burning paper causes smoke which is not good for the environment but this can be mostly eliminated by using a log maker.
Log makers compress waste paper, card and other material, compacting it into tight slow burning logs.
When these logs are placed on an open fire they burn slowly which produces less smoke.
By burning waste material you are not only reducing the amount of rubbish you are throwing out but also providing free heat for your home.