Sustainable Architecture - A Building Block in the Right Direction
It is related to 'green buildings', buildings designed with environmental goals in mind.
In general, sustainable architecture, seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings by enhancing energy efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development space.
Style and design is not compromised by the emphasis of efficiency and energy savings on sustainable architecture.
In fact, sustainable architecture places great emphasis on innovation at all levels, including design and style.
Many sustainable buildings are known to be striking and awesome in looks.
The innovation of sustainability extends well beyond the technology of the field.
Sustainable architecture aims for energy efficiency, including an overall cost effective system that uses the most efficient of cooling and heating systems and overall ventilation.
Emphasis is also placed on well-insulated building techniques.
The most important and cost effective element of an efficient heating, ventilations and air conditioning (HVAC) system is a well-insulated building A more efficient building requires less heat generating power but more ventilation capacity to expel polluted indoor air.
Architects use many different techniques to reduce the energy needs of buildings and increase their ability to capture or generate their own energy.
The direction and location of a building is an important consideration of sustainable architecture.
Wind power and solar energy are effective and efficient ways to enhance sustainable buildings.
The use of photovoltaic cells, solar hot water panels and wind turbines are common in order to harness the natural energy from the sun and incorporate it into a building's design.
The kind of building materials used is another important factor.
Sustainable building materials used include recycled denims, blown-in fiberglass insulation, and fast-growing wood materials such as bamboo.
Toxicity of building materials is also taken into consideration.
Only elements with very low toxicity levels, such as low and non-toxic paints and low VOC (volatile organic compounds) glues are used.
Sustainable architecture focuses on the on-site use of waste, incorporating things such as 'grey water' systems for use on garden beds and 'composting toilets' to reduce sewage.
These methods, especially when combining on-site food waste composting and off-site recycling, can reduce a house's waste to a small amount of packaging waste.