How to Make a Rapunzel Hat
- 1). Lay the poster board on a flat surface with the shiny side facing down. Turn one of the 28-inch sides so it faces you.
- 2). Measure from the left side on the edge facing you, and place a mark 14 inches from the left edge. Tape one end of the string on the mark on the edge of the poster board. Tape the pencil to the other end of the string. Hold one finger on the taped end of the string, and stretch the pencil out. Draw a line from the left edge to the right edge of the poster board. It makes a half circle shape.
- 3). Cut out the half-circle shape; you don't need the remaining poster paper so save it for a future project. Turn the paper so the side with the straight edge faces you. Turn on the hot glue gun, and squirt a line of glue from the mark you drew on the edge all the way to the left edge. Press the narrow edge of the tulle into the glue using the pencil. Do not put your fingers into the hot glue. Let the glue cool completely.
- 4). Pick up the poster paper and turn it over. Roll it into a cone shape with the marked dot area facing up. Pull the hanging tulle out of the center of the cone, and keep it out of the glue. Run a line of glue down the left edge of the cone shape where the tulle was glued. Press the edge with the tulle over the right edge of the cone shape. Hold it in place until the glue cools.
- 5). Glue a line of ribbon about 1 inch from the bottom edge of the cone. Add dots and shapes with glitter glue on the cone if you want. Let the cone dry thoroughly, and your hat is done.