Troubled Marriage Help - My Wife is Slipping Away From the Marriage and I"m Not Sure What to Do!

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If your wife seems to be slipping through your fingers then you obviously need some good solid troubled marriage help.
This happens very often when the husband doesn't even realize it's happening.
This isn't a very nice surprise is it? How to Get Troubled Marriage Help That Will Bring Your Wife Back...
Since I've began helping people and talking about my marriage troubles, I've heard from a lot of people, seemingly husbands mostly, who find out once it's too late that their wife has been quietly slipping away.
Is this what's happened to you? Why us men don't seem to notice these things until it's too late is beyond me.
I think it's very likely that it's because of the fact that we're just not as emotionally in touch so instead of sensing these things instinctively, we need to be hit over the head basically with them.
But what do you to as far as troubled marriage advice once this does hit you over the head like a ton of bricks? Well first of all you've got to stop and assess the situation and figure out exactly what the problem is that you wife has with you.
Of course the obvious thing is to just ask right? Well sometimes that doesn't help because your wife will stonewall you and not express her feeling.
Why would she do that? Could be a number of reasons! She might not understand how to express her feelings.
She might actually care about your feelings and not want to hurt them.
Or she may just not feel like arguing about it.
Now do you want to know the most important thing that you shouldn't do either way? You shouldn't be aggressive in your questioning.
You certainly want the answers but yelling and screaming at all will not help you, so refrain from that no matter how frustrating it gets.
Because either way could trigger some outrage, either not getting the answers that you're trying to get, or getting the answers that you didn't want to ever get.
Either way you must accept this calmly and with a cool head or things will just get worse and getting troubled marriage help will be even more of an urgency.
Troubled Marriage Help for When You Find Out the Problems That's Causing Your Wife to Slip Away...
Once you find out what it is then it's time to figure out if the changes that it will require are a) something that you'd be willing to make and b) changes that you CAN make.
Are these reasonable changes your wife is requesting in other words? For instance if your wife is telling you that you're working too much then can you actually get out of work or is this impossible due to your circumstances? How about if she tells you that your head is still at work when you get home, and that you're a big grouch and after years of this she's harboring some resentment? In that case then it's probably a good idea to figure out how to wind down before you get home, or maybe take about 10 minutes from the time you walk in the door and go to your room and try to calm down and get your head at home.
Sounds like logical troubled marriage advice right? These are first the types of things that you're going to have to find out from your wife, and then decide if and how you can change them.
Next you'll want to set up checkpoints where you wife will let you know how you're doing.
You may be able to tell right away with some things simply from your wife's attitude, but depending on her personality you may have to ask.
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