How to Make Princess Tags
- 1). Tape the edges of the crown stencil to the stock card to prevent movement while painting.
- 2). Paint the area inside the crown stencil light gold. Apply only one layer of gold paint for a translucent finish and let the paint dry completely before handling the stock card or attempting to remove the stencil.
- 3). Remove the tape and stencil from the stock card once the paint dries.
- 4). Cut the gold crown shape out of the stock card with scissors. The gold crown is the beginning of your princess tag.
- 5). Push the crown stamp into the pink ink pad and stamp it firmly in the center of the crown-shaped tag, half way between the crown points and the bottom, flat edge.
- 6). Stamp the pink-inked princess image stamp on either side of the crown tag.
- 7). Adhere a pink sticky-jewel in the crown points of the crown-shaped princess tag.
- 8). Place a silver star sticker at the edge of the princess tag, opposite the crown points.
- 9). Punch a hole directly in the center of the silver star with the hole puncher.
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Cut a 6-inch strip of gold nylon cord and tie the two ends together in a secure knot so the cord forms a circle 3-inches in diameter. - 11
Push one end of the gold cord loop through the hole in the princess tag. Pull the opposite end of the cord over and through the original loop so it attaches securely to the princess tag.