Funny Things to Do for a Sister's 60th Birthday
- Time to dig out all the old family photo albums and collect pictures of your sister, either alone or with loved ones, throughout the years. Photographic evidence of wardrobe atrocities, hair horrors, etc. should all make the final photo selection. Once you have picked your favorites, scan the pictures and upload them onto an online photo gallery (see Resources). From there you can create a hysterical keepsake of all the shots in one album and take a jovial journey down memory lane as you peruse the book together.
- Send your sis a singing telegram to distinctly memorialize her big birthday celebration. Does the birthday honoree have a favorite celebrity icon, crush, etc.? Hire an impersonator to deliver her personalized song to make the moment even more memorable. If sending the telegram to the workplace, be sure to contact her place of business in advance to ensure that your sibling won't get reprimanded for an unexpected, albeit amusing, distraction.
- Coordinate a real-life "This Is Your Life" segment for your sister to create a hilarious and sentimental event. Put your social-networking skills to use and connect with old friends, teachers, mentors and other important figures in your sister's life throughout the years. Pick an appropriate venue and surprise the birthday lady with your emcee abilities while challenging her to determine each guest simply by the sound of her voice. You sister will love all the time and effort you put in trying to assemble this amusing jaunt into her past for her.
- Dedicate an entire day to your sister to do all the things that top her favorites list. While this alone guarantees a fun day, to make it truly funny, treat it like a birthday version of the bachelorette party and dress her from head to toe in 60th-birthday gear. Visit the local novelty store and purchase a 60th t-shirt, pin, baseball cap, etc. to coordinate an amusing "birthday suit" for your sister. Then let her call the shots on where to go from there. Having you at her disposal for the entire day will surely mark a memorable event that she will cherish for years to come.