Turning Holidays Into Memories
Some stand out crystal clear, while others just roll together in my thoughts.
I'm sure I celebrated those holidays, but that belief is based on the fact that the date came and went, whether it stands out in my memory today or not.
In thinking about what made the difference in those holidays, I have come up with some suggestions to help you turn your holiday into a wonderful memory that you can bring out at will in the future.
- Stay present in the moment.
- I suspect this is the number one key to making the holiday a wonderful memory.
If you are truly present (aware, grounded) in the moment, then the moment becomes emotionally charged and it is the emotional charge that allows you to bring it forth in the future.
So, whatever you are doing, allow it to be your focus.
Take a deep breath and say "Now is the time to do x (talk to the kids, shop, make dinner, etc).
Now is not the time for y (figuring out how to get everything done, making a mental list, wondering where the platter is, etc).
" Don't forget to really exhale, allowing the "noise" to leave you with the breath. - Allow yourself to receive as well as give.
- Most of us focus on giving, but it is important to allow ourselves to receive as well.
This doesn't only have to do with receiving gifts or other tangibles, but with receiving the experience of joy as well.
Embrace all the joy of the season: open your heart and receive! - Allow others to give as well as receive.
- This is the other side of the coin, the one we usually don't think about.
We are often so focused on our own need to give and create the holiday for others that we totally forget about their need to give.
Allow others the joy of giving, especially to you! - Whenever you and others get in the holiday mood, allow! - For the holiday of Christmas, some of us can get in the mood just after Labor Day, while others of us can't really feel the excitement until December 23rd.
Whichever one you are, let it be.
Just enjoy it in your way! Don't try to force yourself to be different than you are.
The challenge here is when 2 people who live together are not on the same time frame.
The solution is compromise (what a novel idea!).
I have two dear friends exactly like that.
Just saying the word "Christmas" around the wife lights up her face.
Before December 23rd, that same word causes the husband's smile to turn down! Their compromise is perfect in my eyes: There is no holiday music or decorations or any energy directed towards Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving.
And while he may help with all that, there is no pressure on him to "get in the mood" until the 23rd! - Recognize gifts when you receive them.
- Yesterday, I was working with a client who is beginning to find her voice through her writings As we talked about her natural ability to write and get her message across, I remembered how much I love to write and get my message across through my writing.
Although I'd had the idea for this article for a while, her gift to me was waking up my love of writing and getting me to take action! Thanks, KC! So, look around you.
What is a gift you didn't recognize right away? - Focus on people, not things.
- Keep people at the forefront of your planning.
When our focus is on giving the other person joy, the spirit of the holiday prevails.
When our focus is on what we give and how good we look by the giving of that item, the spirit gets lost along the wayside.
For the majority of us, our holiday memories have to do with holidays spent with certain people, not for what we gave or what we received. - Make -- or keep -- it simple! - There's a quote I love that is attributed to Albert Einstein: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.
" Apply that to your holiday preparations and stay tuned in to your energy level and what is "really" needed to make the holiday a holiday for you and those you love.
It may be lots of decorations or a single poinsettia plant.
It's different for everyone.
So make it as simple as it can be for you! - Gratitude isn't just for Thanksgiving anymore! - While Thanksgiving appears to have thankfulness targeted as it's own, the truth is that being grateful for what is in front of you, no matter how big or small, helps turn every day into a joyful day.
So, apply this to the holiday you are celebrating now.
Be grateful for the people, items, weather, whatever.
Gratitude helps charge the emotions and emotions linked to an event keeps the memory alive. - Let giving be part of the lesson for your children.
- I recently attended a charity event which was focused on families helping families.
The place was filled with children of all ages, who helped package up gifts for less fortunate children in the community.
It was a busy and exciting day, but what struck me the most was the joy the young givers got by giving.
In fact, there were two 14-year olds who talked about their experiences of helping with the charity over the past 3 years.
It was obvious that they had learned the joy of giving, and of giving to the community, not just their families.
Being able to incorporate some sense of that into each holiday would definitely increase it's memorability! - Even if you're alone, make it special! - There are many of us who, by choice or circumstance, end up spending the holiday alone.
There is no reason for solitude to prevent making a holiday a memory.
What would it take for your holiday to be special, one you remember for years to come? Whatever it is, make it so! (Just a thought, but if you would prefer not to spend it alone, why not take the prerogative and volunteer to help out at the many charities who provide meals that day? They'd appreciate the help and you'd give yourself a gift to last a lifetime!).