When To Fill Out The I 129f K1 Visa Form?

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The first in a series of documents is the I 129f. This form is filled out at the beginning of the application process and done only one time. This is not a hard form to fill out, but there are some confusing parts. This article will go into detail in regards to the more confusing parts of the application. There are three questions that may confuse the applicant. Read on to understand how to answer these three questions.

I 129f Data

The form is not very long yet provides enough information to the USCIS officer to create an account and begin the investigation on the couple. Starting out with the first section, all applicants must submit their name, address, date of birth and other personal information about themselves. At this point the information is rather simple and straight forward. For those that are married, the date of marriage and divorce needs to written into the application. This is needed for both the applicant and the beneficiary. The applicant is the U.S Citizen and the Beneficiary is the foreign fiance. Throughout the process this is how the USCIS will refer to those that are going through the process.

Complex Fiance Immigration Questions

Within the form are three questions that may raise an eyebrow. These question are not to confuse the applicant, yet answering the questions incorrectly could either slow down the process or cause a lot of problems during the interview.

The first question surrounds the issue of past Visas. A past Visa, which was approved without complications is a good thing for the applicant. Enter the dates requested within the form and the USCIS will take the past Visa or Visas into account. If the applicant was denied a Visa, it does not mean the beneficiary will be denied a K1 Visa. For example is the beneficiary was denied a guest visa in the past, it will have no bearing on the K1 Visa. Yet if the a Visa was denied because of criminal activity or other law related offenses, then it is best to seek counsel before proceeding forward with the I 129f form.

The second question is about how the couple met. Do not worry if the meeting was through an internet website. This is how a majority of these relationships start. Be honest and everything will go fine.

The third question is about the dating agency. If the couple met through an internet or other type of dating agency, then the agency must comply with the governments rule and regulations. All agencies that do business with U.S citizens need to comply and be able to show documentation that clearly shows traceability to any agreements between the applicants. If the couple is working through an agency that does not provide the necessary documentation, it would be best to cancel the business relationship with the current dating agency and sign up with one that does follow U.S Immigration policy.

Following the guideline above will allow the couple to complete the I 129f with minimal effort. This will give them more time to focus on the other documents needed to complete the process. A honest response to the questions within the form will guard against complication during the interview process. Using a regulated dating agency is always best and provides the best protection against complication during the application process.
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