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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical

Morning Sickness Remedies From Ginger

For many years, ginger has been proven as a natural treatment for many ailments. That is why it's likewise regarded as the safest, amazing morning sickness remedies.

How to Determine the Best Day to Get Pregnant

Oftentimes, couples who have been trying to have a baby for years wonder when the best day to get pregnant really is. For most of them, unfortunately, the many years they have waited have caused much stress and frustration due to the seemingly consistent inability to conceive a baby. Sometimes, this

Best Tips If You Need Help Getting Pregnant

Have you ever tried some tips and ways for you to help getting pregnant? They can not argue the fact that one of the major priority of a woman in her whole life is to ...

Contraception Guide - Dawn Stacey- Birth Control Expert

Dawn Stacey is the Contraception Expert at She is also a published author, college professor, licensed mental health counselor, and a former family planning specialist, health educator, and pregnancy options counselor for Planned Parenthood.

Educate Yourself on Egg Freezing for Pregnancy

Annually, millions of women make the choice to freeze their eggs. This move creates more options for women who want to delay starting a family. If one is considering having her eggs frozen, she should become educated on the process.

Morning Sickness - Boy or Girl?

Still, with all this technology available, women still like to take guesses as to what their baby's gender might be.Is he a boy or is she a girl?

The Men’s Guide to the Delivery Room

Sadly many women would prefer that dads stay out of the delivery room. In a survey taken by The Royal College of Midwives, 38% of women said they would rather have someone else in the delivery room wi

1st Signs of Pregnancy: Implantation Bleeding, What Is It?

The 1st signs of pregnancy can be confusing especially if a woman's menstrual cycle is irregular. Although the very first sign of pregnancy is a missed period, a woman who is pregnant may still bleed when the menstrual cycle is expected. This is called "implantation bleeding" which ha

Michigan - Popular Baby Names

Looking for the most popular baby names from Michigan? Look no further, boy names and girl names for the last decade.

29 Week 3D Ultrasound

This gallery contains pictures of 3D ultrasounds from all stages of pregnancy. You'll find many photos from various 3D shots.

Trying to Conceive Tips

How to conceive successfully and fast. Learn some useful and effective tips to get pregnant quickly!

Pregnancy Birth - Origin of Life

Pregnancy birth is the beginning of a new life in the mother's womb. It is a beautiful experience, which every woman wants to experience. Pregnancy is a wonderful phase in each woman's life. Each moment during this special period is cherished. The first sonogram, when she can see the baby&

In Vitro Fertilization - The Complete Picture

Developments in science need to be followed religiously because they may turn out useful to us sometime later. Being informed about developments gives us a better chance of overcoming difficult situations. One such development which comes as a blessing to couples without children is the IVF.

Stop Trying Baby, Learn How to Get Pregnant Quickly & Easily

The following tips are recommended for both the male and the female. If you really want to learn how to get pregnant quickly and easily you must follow all of these tips. How to Get Pregnant Tip #1 - Eliminate Toxins from Your Lifestyle. Toxins are the major reason, if not THE reason, why both women

Best Food to Eat to Conceive a Boy

Did you even know that you can choose the gender of your baby? Amazing huh? Well, your diet is definitely a variable that you can manipulate. You can decide what foods to eat that will help you to conceive a boy. In this article I shall explain what foods these are and why changing your diet can hav